As Joyous Visionaries we are on a continuous journey of discovery that leads us again and again to that place within that affirms, “Indeed! The Law of Attraction is the essential force that animates all living systems I know!”

Time and time again, as if spiralling on an axis of remembrance, we find ourselves deepening our understanding of just how powerful the Law of Attraction is. It is here, at this edge, that we invite ourselves on an exciting quest that calls us to synchronise our beliefs and projections with this essential law.

So, as we direct our attention to the art of ritual, I propose that we formulate a mutual vision of how the law of attraction works and then see how they harmonise with each other.


Our attention determines our perspective and everything we perceive is always a vibrational match to the essence of our attention.

We have access to the essence of our attention through our emotional guidance system. By including into our attention the quality of our emotional resonance with that which we are focusing upon, we can determine if it is pleasing to us or if it is not.

If it is pleasing to us we allow ourselves to open up to more of the same by continuing to include that which we are focusing upon into our field of awareness.If it is not pleasing to us, we detach from it and choose something different to focus upon using our emotional guidance system to navigate our way through this process.

One of the attributes of a Joyous Visionary is that we detach from that which is not pleasing to us from the heart-space.

In other words, from a place of knowing that there are no mistakes in Dreamtime, that all is consistently well, we allow ourselves to thank what it is that has brought us to this place of realising our misalignment with our joyous visions and in love we hand it over to Source and shift our focus.

We will be discussing more aspects of detachment later on but I want to point out, as you can and will continue to see, how these steps dovetail into each other. They are not things we have to arrange and do sequentially because we are practicing each of them simultaneously all the time. Our “work” is to simply be aware of where we are and in so doing, give our attention to the quality of our emotional resonance.

The domain of attention is one of the most pivotal arenas of discovery for the Joyous Visionary. With consistent practice we come to know how vital our perspective is in terms of what we are experiencing.

Notice that in all your offerings of attention, there are really only two routes that attention can take: the route of lack or the route of presence. We are either focused on the apparent lack of something or the presence of it. This is your direct indicator of the experience you are calling forth into your Dreamtime.Are you calling forth a Dream of presence or a Dream of lack? Are you focused on what you are wanting or the lack of it?

Have fun with this. Cultivate a sense of eager participation with all the facets that make up your awareness. It is only by knowing yourself that you come to know the being-ness of Source.


As we come to experience more and more evidence of the power of our attention, we realise that we have unlimited freedom available to us: we are free in any given moment to shift our attention to align with our Vision and our Vision is always free to expand.

We come to realise that the essence of what we are wanting is always a state of being and that anything beyond that is how we would like to play with this energy.
We know that it is our attention that does the asking. We know that Law of Attraction is always responding. Now we align with the presence of our wanting made manifest and we do this through the power of our intention.

Intention is the activity of swimming in the Dream where your Vision is as real as real can be. It is the willingness to act on that which resonates with the currents of this water. We must know this water well in order to recognise the inspiration it births.

We come to know that within the Dream we have the power to suspend belief in what appears to be real and that within the metaphysical space of daring to dream we give ourselves permission to write our script from a place of trust. Trust is what gives momentum to our intentions.


To be detached is to be lucid in the Dream. We are Dreaming for the joy of it, because it gives us deep satisfaction to know we can never get it wrong and that in never getting it done, we are always free to Dream.

When we are feeling angst about what we are manifesting it is because we are attached to it. We can be attached in one of two ways.

The first type of attachment is aversion. If we have an aversion to what we are wanting we feel uneasy about receiving it. When we imagine ourselves in proximity to it we experience a stream of resistance. We may believe that in order to have what we are wanting there must be a trade –off.

We may feel as though a series of complicated events must occur between our asking and our having in order for it to reach fruition - a coping mechanism designed to keep us from having to take responsibility for this attachment.

To neutralize this kind of attachment we detach from trying to figure out the “how” and learn to trust the efficiency and consistency of the Law of Attraction.

We also come to understand the value of forgiveness and how heart felt intention can soften the vibration of unworthiness.

As Joyous Visionaries we realise that forgiveness is the response to judgement. We come to know that what we are attached to is our perspective and in our detachment we choose to tell our story from within our Vision.

The second kind of attachment is resistance. Remember earlier we spoke of attention taking one of two routes: the route of lack or the route of presence? Well, when we do our asking while our attention is routed in lack, every time our wanting comes into focus we feel the lack of it immediately present in our current vibrational state.

For example, if we find ourselves in a pattern of feeling impoverished each time we open a bill, keeping in mind that every moment, every action, is an asking, we can be sure that we are doing our asking from a place of lack awareness. We are perceiving the Dream and believing that it is more real than our freedom to Dream deliberately. We are not, in that moment of feeling impoverished, including our Vision of presence into the field of our focus.

At the point of observing the lack of presence within your vibration you unleash your freedom.

Here is where you jump for joy! For it is here, in this sliver of realisation, that you detach from attachment.

Any attention given to the attachment from this point forward is deliberately turning against the current.

There can be many reasons for deliberately turning against the current. One common reason is the belief that we must think our way through creation.

If you find yourself resisting the shift of focus that brings about an attention routed in presence, it is most likely because you are trying to think yourself into alignment instead of intending yourself there.

Your inner being at this point is reminding you that it does not have to be an effort or a struggle and this is where being willing to listen to your emotional guidance system can greatly assist you. It is saying that what you are wanting is accessible right here, right now, with a simple shift in perspective.

Know that you never have to reach the equal and opposite vibration of what you are experiencing instantly. In other words, you are never expected to go from 0 – exuberantly joyous in 0.3 seconds.

Reaching for presence is choosing relief and oftentimes the easiest way of finding the freedom to make this choice is in the simple following of the breath.

Focusing on the breath takes the edge off being completely occupied in the mental body. We cannot think and be attentive of our breathing at the same time. Here we relieve ourselves from needing to control. It takes no effort to breathe. We relieve ourselves from past and future and we discover the familiar feeling of being present in our bodies.

Here we cultivate our personal relationship with the stream of wellbeing. How does it feel? How does your body respond? How does your thinking respond?By practicing the art of being present when we are not attached, it becomes easier for us to slip into it when we want to detach.


Having covered the basic foundation of the Law of Attraction we can see how the art of ritual can enhance our understanding and participation within it.Quite simply, a ritual is an act of asking and allowing that employs an open dialogue with Source using attention, intention and detachment to outcome in the process.

A ritual is a mirror image, a movie if you will, of our inner world of manifesting. Any material objects used during a ritual is specifically dedicated to resembling a facet of our inner work. Are you beginning to see how the life of a Joyous Visionary is ritual itself?

Ritual is powerful because it is imbued with creative energy. It works because it has our trust and our heartfelt participation.

Creative Energy

Creative energy flows on the breath of inspiration , through our open hearts and willing hands.

We are open to inspiration when our being is immersed in the knowing that all is as it should be. When we approach Life with a sense of appreciation for what is we allow creative energy to flow through us.

It is for this reason that we remember that any work we do along our path of manifestation , whether it be a ritual, visualization or a rampage of appreciation, we are doing it for the pure joy of it, not because we are wanting it to transport us to where we are not. We do it loving where we are and loving where we want to be simultaneously.

Author's Bio: 

Shireen Freeman is a practicing Reiki Teacher based in Cape Town, South Africa. Her work is a fusion of energy work and practical law of attraction advice and coaching.