North Indian cuisines always have a differential taste to the other marvellous meals in India. Its preparation involves a lot of fresh creams or pure desi ghee. Case in point is the ever popular Butter Chicken preparation.

Majority of the dishes involve numerous meticulous steps and do take a lot of time to prepare. But all of that is worth every minute as one bite is enough to take you on an appreciative gastronomic joyride. Furthermore, these dishes are also very comfortable for the stomach, even for someone who is not habituated to eating them on a regular basis. 

Owing to its exceptional preparation, exotic flavours and ingredients, the popularity of North Indian dishes have gone beyond borders. So much so, that many quality eateries and bistros in Singapore have included these dishes as their special preparations. And, without surprise, they seem to be selling spectacularly even amongst the locals.

If you are a traveller visiting Singapore, more specifically Jalan Besar, then here are few mouth-watery North Indian cuisines to must try.

Chana Masala:- Delicious Garbanzo beans prepared in typical style with an assortment of spices and ingredients, is downright delicious. They go well with rice and roti (your pick). This is another common dish served at almost every Indian restaurant in Singapore ,and it costs surprisingly only $12.50. 

Aloo Dum:- Mouth watery Aloo Dum is another meal straight from the North Indian regions. The dish involves baby potatoes simmered in rich, exotic herbs and spices and curd. The dish can be a bit spicy, especially with the addition of finely chopped green chilly. But, surely you can handle a bit of heat with all that deliciousness costing just $14.00. 

Palak Paneer:-This is a dish that’s already in the list of top picks in numerous North Indian f ood  restaurants in and around  Jalan Besar . And no surprises! This wonderful dish involves delicious and fluffy cottage cheese (commonly known as paneer) and spinach puree. Addition of butter/curb and seasoning herbs will include when served up. One plate costs only $13.90, and it goes well with bread and roti/chapatti (and some chopped raw onions and a spicy pickle).

Dal Makhani:- Consisting of a wonderful brownish thick texture with sprinkles of white butter/curd and exotic herbs , this is another specialty from the Northern parts of India. The lentils are simmered overnight over tandoor and then prepared using a variety of spices and ingredients. One spoon, including those herbs and white butter, will taste heavenly. And what’s more, it costs just $ 13.50.

Tadka Dal:- A typical North Indian dish prepared with yellow lentil, cumin and butter makes for a yummy palate to enjoy either with roti or bread. It can be enjoyed any day of the week, and its wonderful preparation even makes it digestion-friendly. Plus, it also costs only $13.00 for one palate. Isn’t that lovely?

Hungry... Are You?

The next time you build up an appetite, don’t hold yourself back thinking about the spicy ingredients or buttery additions to these dishes. They are very healthy and very filling too.

Other than these aforementioned budgeted North Indian cuisines, there are many other lip-smacking options such to try out. So, without pause, find a quality Indian restaurant near you- preferably serving these dishes and order whatever you want. 

It will be worth it!

Author's Bio: 

The author is a professional blogger who has a lot of real-time experience in eating at North Indian food restaurants in and around Jalan Besar. Sharing some of that knowledge to the interested readers, the author shares details of those common try-out dishes served at almost every Indian restaurant in Singapore.