• Reseed Shampoo sells out in Selfridge's London Pharmacy
  • Sabal extracts proven to naturally inhibit the formation of DHT
  • ‘Aspen Clinical Research’ Studies show over 80% of participants saw ‘noticeable results’ after just 8 weeks.

Hair loss in some cases is quite normal. We can lose between 50 to 150 strands of hair a day. Nevertheless, it is always distressing for a woman to find clumps of hair in a hairbrush or down the plughole. The psychological impact of hair loss cannot be underestimated. Women face many pressures from society and looking good all the time is perhaps one of the most unfair expectations of them all. Studies have shown that losing hair can lead to low confidence and self-esteem , ‘feeling ugly’ and even distressing episodes of paranoia.

Unlike with men, hair loss in women is not something that is openly discussed. Men have much greater support when it comes to hair loss, with the condition considered normal or even sexy. It is only very recently that women are speaking on the subject.
Hair loss in Women and DHT
Generally, hair loss is often attributed to the sensitivity of the hair follicle, specifically relating to a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). If the hair follicle is more sensitive to DHT, it will produce hair strands that are smaller in diameter and lighter in colour. In effect, it will look like your hair is gradually thinning. The pace of hair growth is slower until the hair follicle stops growing hair altogether.

Both men and women have hormones in their bodies, including DHT. However, women are more predisposed to hormonal imbalances due to life events like pregnancy , taking certain contraceptive pills or going through the menopause. Women are also not immune to genetic predisposition known as female pattern baldness which can lead to a thinning of the hair overall and hair loss at the hairline on the crown.Hair Loss Treatments - Manmade vs. Natural
There are many chemical treatments for hair loss in the market today, the majority of which have side effects on the body. Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Finasteride (Propecia) are two of the most well-known.

Extensive studies have been conducted on both. Generally, they are safe to use, however. they are not suitable for everyone and they each come with side effects. Pregnant women are not advised to use Finasteride as it can cause birth defects. Minoxidil can irritate the scalp and is not recommended to those with heart problems.

One of the most effective hair loss treatments available today is the Saw Palmetto extract, also known as Sabal, and it is completely natural. It is highly effective as a DHT blocker, and as with all natural treatments, the side effects are relatively minor.

Dr. Josh Axe, one of the foremost proponents of natural medicine in the US and the Author of website Draxe.com has examined the effectiveness of Saw Palmetto for treating hair loss. In his article on the top ten natural treatments for thinning hair , he quoted the herb as beneficial to help with thinning and hair loss, in tandem with Gingko Biloba which promotes circulation and healthy hair.

Reseed - Natural hair care range

Passionate about delivering natural treatments for healthy hair, the Reseed range of natural haircare is backed by years of research and development. The 3-step system aims to prevent further hair loss, restore the natural function of the hair follicle and strengthen any weak and dormant hair follicles.

The Ginkgo & Sabal Fortifying Shampoo for Women is part of a gender-specific range of hair loss and scalp care containing the two ingredients recommended by Dr Josh Axe.

To prove the effectiveness of the shampoo, rigorous independent trials were conducted by Aspen Clinical Research. The outcome of these trials provided substantial evidence to back-up everything that Reseed claims to deliver.

Participants hair ‘grew faster’ and had more ‘volume and body’, with over 80% of participants seeing a noticeable improvement in the ‘overall condition’ and health of the hair and scalp.

91% of the participants agreeing that they would definitely buy the products themselves.

Where to buy Ginkgo & Sabal Fortifying Shampoo for Women

If you want to try for yourself the Reseed Gingko, and Sabal Fortifying Shampoo for Women is available online at LloydsPharmacy.com for home delivery or Click and Collect at over 1500 locations. It is also available London Selfridges pharmacy and good independent pharmacies and health food stores nationally. For more product information visit reseedhair.com

“Aspen Clinical Research Studies prove that 80% of people who used the shampoo saw ‘noticeable results’ after just eight weeks.”

Author's Bio: 

Mary is a freelance writer, researcher, and business consultant from New York, WA. A columnist for Entrepreneur.com, HuffingtonPost.com and more, Mary specializes in entrepreneurship, technology, and social media trends.