Below are some straightforward tips which often come up in my individual and couples therapy sessions, focused on building a strong relationship bond. As many of us are aware, divorce is a common occurrence today

Make a concerted effort to talk openly, honestly and more often. This isn’t easy and does take courage from both partners (and some practice!). Often, many of my clients feel vulnerable when they speak to others about their needs, but the flip side is that the rewards can be immense. Remember that no one is a mind reader! It’s important to have open dialogues as opposed to closed internal monologues in your own head. If this seems difficult or unnatural at first, try to schedule a short amount of time each week to openly discuss things which might be on your mind or affecting your relationship. This tip also extends to family members and friends…

Don’t be afraid to talk to a therapist. Quite often, couples come to therapy as a last ditch effort to save their relationship. When things are in this dire of a state, it can be more complex to fix habitual, entrenched problems. There is no reason to wait to reach out to a professional who can act as a neutral third party. Fix it and move on!

Make time in your calendar for your relationship. All couples should try to set time aside to take a break and reconnect. This means shutting off your phone and unplugging! Even though it can seem difficult, with the pressures of time constraints, I try to recommend that my clients set aside a few hours alone together at least once (even twice!) a month. It’s not necessary to go out to a fancy restaurant or spend a lot of money… this can be as simple as watching a movie at home or taking a walk around the neighborhood.

Friends are important, too. Invest time and effort in your friendships.

Find the ability to forgive others. As human beings, we are all fallible. Holding anger inside and carrying around grudges can weigh both you and your relationship down. Forgiveness is an important part of living life in a productive and positive way. Whether the issue is enormous or miniscule, the decision to forgive does lie within each of us.

Author's Bio: 

I hold a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from Mercy College and a Bachelor of Science from Columbia University. I am a licensed marriage and family therapist and the founder of Synergetic Psychotherapy ( ), a private practice in New York City for individuals, couples and families.

I work from a strength-based approach, emphasizing psychological health and resiliency. With empathy and understanding, I guide my clients through the therapeutic process to find the inner strength to feel confident and prepared to confront life's obstacles.

My therapeutic experience has been with a diverse group of individuals, couples, and groups in both private and community settings.