Christian articles provide insightful truths that assist believers in following Christ. Experience a new dimension of peace , joy, and fruit of the spirit through the insight provided through Christian blogs. Receive invaluable tools for progressing in your walk with Christ.

Christian articles offer insightful truths that are designed to assist believers in their walk with Christ. This walk is a walk by faith and not by sight. It is a relationship with Christ that brings an impacting change into people's lives; it results in a change in the way we think, a change in the way we believe, a change in our choices, a change in our behavior , and the result is a new man. We are called to become new creatures in Christ. Christian blogs provide insightful truths that encourage believers to walk in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. A number of Christian articles such as, “Better Real then Right,” provide truths for overcoming the old man and stepping into the righteousness of Jesus Christ that produces the fruit of the Spirit. The article provides insight into the performance mentality and the need for true submission and humility. As we learn to humble ourselves before our heavenly father, we will experience advancement and fulfillment. (I Peter 5:6) (This Scripture refers to humbling ourselves before the mighty hand of God and as a result we will be exalted in due season.) An example of this is seen in Peter's life. One example was seen when Peter began to sink after walking on water, another example was seen when Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind me Satan”, and another example was demonstrated in his denying Christ three times. Peter had to humble his self in this season of correction and in due season God's mighty hand exalted him. We saw the results of Peter's choice to humble his self. His very shadow brought healing to people as they were laid on the street when he walked by, and he was a foundational stone in the formation of the church.

Christian articles on Christian blog sites offer foundational truths that redirect believers from a position of stagnation and into a position of submission that result in fulfillment. You can achieve a new level in your intimate walk with Christ when you apply the truths found in Christian blogs. Break free from religious mindsets and move into a true walk of faith. Each of the Christian articles posted is written by an insightful and caring pastor. His humorous perspective carries a heavy punch that affects believers and brings Reformation. Reformation is taking place in the body of Christ; this Reformation is bringing transformation. The transformation taking place in the body of Christ is seen in the expression of the fruit of the Spirit. Love, faith, peace , joy, goodness, temperance, meekness, and patience, are fruit of the Holy Spirit. In order to express these character traits, our mindsets must be transformed. The Reformation taking place the body of Christ is impacting and transforming believers first and foremost. This impactful and challenging series of church blogs on the Reformation is available on Christian blog sites. These insightful and impacting Christian articles are bringing forth a powerful and purified army of believers who are washed and cleansed through the blood of the lamb. You can experience the removal of the filthy rags of performance and you can step into the beautiful clothing of humility and true righteousness. As you humble yourself, you will be positioned for God to exalt you. Visit church blogs for insightful and impacting Reformation truths.

Author's Bio: is an excellent source for Christian articles and is designed to encourage pastors, church leaders, and all believers to continue fighting for the cause of their Faith. Author Bump Lumpkin delivers a fresh perspective through his creative use of the Christian article .