Christian articles provide foundational tools for following Christ. There is a limitless freedom found in Christ Jesus. This freedom provides abundant peace , abundant joy, and the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Ongoing series of articles provided on a Christian blogs give insight for Christian living.

Christian articles provide valuable tools for living your life for Christ. Receive the assistance of a mature leader who will assist you in walking through the steps of maturity through progressive Christian articles. Christian blog sites are valuable tools for progressing in your walk with Christ and for producing the fruit of spirit. Valuable truths on the righteousness of Jesus Christ can be read in, “Better Real then Right”. Receive foundational truths for overcoming a performance mentality and behavior and beginning to experience true submission and humility. Learn to humble yourself before your heavenly father and experience advancement and fulfillment that He has you. I Peter 5:6 tells us to humble ourselves before God's mighty hand and He will exalt us in due time. Peter was a man who demonstrated humbling himself before God. We read of his temptation that led him to deny Christ three times, we saw him walk on water and then begin to sink, the word of God also shares the account of Peter talking with Jesus and Jesus firmly rebuking those words saying, get behind me Satan! Yet we see the outcome in Peter's life of him humbling himself before the mighty hand of God. We see mighty miracles that were experienced by the people such as Peter’s shadow healing people as they were laid on the street and we see how he became a foundational stone in the body of Christ.

Christian articles such as, “Better Real then Right”, greatly impact the heart of the believer and brings forth the fruit of the Holy Spirit seen in humility and submission. If you are looking for a new level in your walk with Christ and desire to experience advancement and fulfillment, then enjoy reading the Christian articles posted on Christian blog sites. Break free from religious patterns of thinking and transition your life into a true walk of faith. Learn to set aside religious and learned behaviors and advance in your ability to hear God's voice clearly. Receive valuable tools for putting on the garment of humility rather than walking in performance. Expressing the spirit of the living God is achievable as we learn to yield to His presence. Pride causes a deterrence to the presence of God and we must learn to humble ourselves. The expression of the fruit of the Spirit is seen in love, faith, joy, peace , patience, goodness, meekness, and temperance. There is a supernatural ability to express God through our behaviors and mindsets. The expression of Jesus Christ will be seen through our lives as we learn to humble ourselves. Christian blogs share truths on the faith walk. A series of blog posts include teachings on the Reformation taking place in the body of Christ. This Reformation is setting people free from prison mindsets and religious behaviors that hold them bondage through pride and legalism.

Christian articles on the next Reformation in the body of Christ are bringing forth an army of believers who have been washed and cleansed with the blood of the lamb. Remove the filthy rags caused by performance and step into the beautiful clothing of humility and true righteousness. Our human righteousness is as filthy rags. You can put aside this good behavior and receive true humility. Connected with humbling ourselves is the process of being exalted. God has a plan for your life and it includes prospering you and exalting you. Learn more through Christian blogs on the Reformation taking place in the body of Christ.

Author's Bio: is an excellent source for Christian articles and is designed to encourage pastors, church leaders, and all believers to continue fighting for the cause of their Faith. Author Bump Lumpkin delivers a fresh perspective through his creative use of the Christian article .