Hate the fashionable low-rider jeans because they reveal the pounds of extra stomach fat around your mid-section? Doctors have noticed a correlation between people with a high percentage of stomach fat and several medical risks. At present, scientific studies are occurring to try and link stomach fat to the numerous health risks observed in patients with a high percentage of stomach fat. Within the next year I am expecting to see more medically published studies supporting this correlation.

If you are one of the millions of people who have extra stomach fat, don’t despair. Three types of exercise are exceedingly efficient at reducing abdomen blubber and promoting wide-ranging health and rapid body fat loss .

#1. Calorie Burning

The most optimal way to loose any kind of fat is by engaging in cardio to burn the extra calories that turn into fat. You can blame mother nature or your love for sweets, but the truth remains that the #1 problem area for most individuals is stomach fat. The only way to loose stomach fat is by lowering your overall body fat percentage, which will inevitably result in weight loss in other problem areas as well.

Its important that you select a fun (if not your favorite) activity to burn calories. Most people who quit a cardio routine cite boredom as the number one reason, so select an activity you will enjoy for the long haul. Sweat, sweat, sweat and the pounds will sweat right off you. Commitment is key, so stick with your aerobic activity for 5 to 7 hours each week. You will see results, but remember, Rome wasn't built in a calendar day! Having unrealistic expectations can cause you to get frustrated and give up on an activity right when you are about to start seeing results.

#2: Strength Training

In today’s world, none of us have time to burn, so save your valuable time by selecting stomach exercises that produce greater results in less time. For instance, rather than simple crunches, the American Council on Exercise recommends vertical leg crunches. Google your way to step-by-step directions (and pictures to!) Add an exercise ball to your leg lifts and crunches and you will be toning your "core" which includes the muscles around your tummy. These are the muscles that will support your six pack abs!

#3: Core-focused Yoga

Yoga is a very great exercise to handle your body's yield of the hormone cortisol, which tells the body when to initiate storing fat. When our bodies become stressed, they produce the hormone cortisol. While this response probably kept our ancestors alive through harsh winters, it is not a good benefit for us in the modern world.

Yoga poses work the core and stomach muscles, by focusing on increasing the bodies’ balance and strength. You will be toning your entire body through yoga , while you reduce stress, feel better and loose weight.

Adopt a weekly routine that consists of calorie burning, strength training and core-focused yoga . You’re discussions with your doctor will improve right along with your beach body.

Author's Bio: 

Rachel J. Adams, Founder WWW.SuccessfulWeightLossForWomenOver30.com
Eat to loose Tummy Fat

My older sister told me that life gets better after 30, but my body sure did NOT get that memo! Since turning 30 I have experienced physical challenges that I never expected to have to overcome. I have started gathering information and publishing my findings in hopes of helping other women who are having the same challenges. There are helpful articles available to you on my website and e-books you can claim by signing up for my newsletter.