Everybody dreams of having a slim and sexy stomach. No amount of dieting or exercise can give you the kind of shape and size of stomach that you are looking for. Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck operation is one of the most popular surgeries that are available today. Flat and trim stomach is what you get after this surgery. But people often don’t know what to expect after undergoing this surgery and when to see a doctor. There may be some complications after the surgery and it’s better to visit your doctor first hand. This article will tell when to visit him and what to expect after the operation.

The natural results of this surgery are incisions and scarring. Incisions take about three months to heal and during this time they will heal in such a fashion that it will not be visible. But scarring marks remain forever; a good plastic surgeon can only limit the length of the scar and make it hard to notice.

Just after the operation you will have a bit of pain and tingling sensation. Don’t be worried as it the part of the healing process and gradually as time passes, the pain will fade away. You may also feel numbness after the incisions heal but it varies from case to case. Some folks my not experience pain, tingling sensation or even numbness.

There may be times when you may have to consult your doctor. Though some amount of pain and discomfort is normal but if you experience unbearable pain talk to your doctor immediately. If the healing is taking more time than normal or the color of the incision changes dramatically then there may be something wrong.

Some people develop rashes around the incision due to myriad of reasons such as allergy to a particular medicine or lotion, heat rash, rashes due to gauze etc. In such cases see your surgeon immediately as these rashes may worsen if you don’t pay attention.

There are some things that you should keep in mind while recovering from a tummy tuck operation. Firstly, avoid smoking if you can. Various studies show that smoking interferes with your body’s natural ability to heal. If you smoke while recovering then the incisions may not heal properly and become visible.

Secondly, give your body rest and do not indulge yourself is exhausting exercises. It’s always better to ask your surgeon when to start with routine exercises.

Finally, try not to sleep on the incisions. It’s a big challenge with big tummy tuck incisions but it will help speed up the healing process.

Tummy tuck operations are a good way to get a flat and trim stomach but the recovery period should be given great emphasis.

Author's Bio: 

Marc Robert writes blogs and articles for health related topics like Plastic Surgery Tampa , Cosmetic Surgery, Skin Care, Procedure and Therapeutics .