If you have decided to relocate to Buenos Aires, you will no doubt spend a lot of time deciding where in the city or its surroundings you would like to stay. You may have a pre-conceived idea of what sort of home you are looking for, or you may just be blown away when you come upon something quite unexpected.

Generally, people choose the house rather than the garden, knowing that a garden is usually quite flexible and can be changed according to their tastes.

Once you have chosen your new home with assistance from Real Estate Buenos Aires and you decide to make something special of your garden, you will no doubt start looking around for ideas and creative stimuli. You cannot go far wrong by paying a visit to the Jardin Japones, or Japanese Garden.

Almost within a stone’s throw of high rise apartment buildings, in Palermo, you will find such an oasis of peace and beauty , that you will probably want to pay many visits, over and over again, just to de-stress.

It is well worth your while to visit the gardens, not so much for flowerbeds, as for wonderful ideas on how to create tranquillity and atmosphere. In particular you will be able to see what skill was used by the gardeners to turn simple plants, natural rocks, statues, etc, into focal features that draw the eye.

The Japanese understanding of a basic human need for calm, peace and tranquillity is something the rest of the world could do well to learn from. Nature provide the best raw materials for this, so creating a garden is obviously the best choice to satisfy these needs.

But, make no mistake, even if you do not have a garden, you can reflect this quiet serenity in your home décor, making use of pot plants, planters, flowers as well as just the way you arrange the furnishings of your home.

Your next step would logically be to visit parks, protected areas and botanical gardens in the area. Quite apart from starting off your life in Buenos Aires with a great deal of enjoyment, you will very soon get to know what plants grow naturally in the area and thrive easily without too much effort.

A good place to start with would be the Jardín Botánico Carlos Thays de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, or Buenos Aires Botanical Garden. This exquisitely beautiful garden is also situated in Palermo.

After this you could spend a lot of time touring the various barrios of the city, especially on foot if you can, and see what people are able to do with their gardens, and pick up clever ideas for garden layouts and special features.

You final step would be to visit the nurseries in your area. Most proprietors of these nurseries are experienced in all aspects of botany and garden design and are well able to give you the advice you need to grow your garden successfully, as well as to provide the plants and seeds you want.

For Inmuebles in Buenos Aires ,

visit http://www.tierraestates.com/

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