Smoking is injurious to health, even smoker’s are aware of that, but their fatal addiction towards toxicants keeps them coming back to the bad habit. But it is evidently not difficult to say no to smoke. If you adopt appropriate measures and have self- control it becomes easy to escape from the hazardous habit of smoking. Though there are some pointless reasons of addiction there are numerous beneficial reasons to quit smoking.
The effects of ceasing smoking are good and considerable. Interestingly, within 20 minutes from the time you cease smoking you will start feeling the good effects of giving up the habit. Here are some timely benefits that you may experience when you give up smoking ‘cold turkey’.
The 21st Minute:21 minutes from the time you quit smoking, you will realize that the temperature of you limbs return to norm. Simultaneously, your pulse rate and blood pressure returns to normal condition.
The 8Th Hour:Approximately after 8 hours, the amount of Nicotine that is present in your blood stream truncates to about 93.25%. This means that only approximately 6.25% of nicotine is left in your blood streams.
The 12th Hour:About 12 hours after your smoking cessation act, the oxygen level in the blood will improve and become normal and the level of carbon monoxide will also decrease to normal ratio.
The 24th Hours:This hour may be little difficult as the anxieties reaches to extreme in intensity and with a time period of two weeks it should get back to the pre-cessation stage.
The 48th Hours:Even during this hour withdrawal symptom such as anger or irritability, is at its peak. But your sense of smelling and taste returns to the normal state as well as the broken nerves starts to repair itself.
The 72nd Hour:Withdrawal symptoms persist to be at its extreme and you may feel restless. But your body will be 100% free of nicotine and more than 90% of nicotine substances or metabolites are damaged and washed away through urine. Lung bronchial pipe traversing to alveoli starts relaxing and repairing itself to normal state and lung functionalities begins to get back to norm. You will also notice that perspiration becomes easier.
The period of 5th to 8th Day:An average man who left smoking may experience craves for cigarette around three times a day. This will be the time when desire to smoke will be high and every craving episode will last for around 3 minutes. A better way to overcome this is by timing your crave episodes this will not only divert your concentration every time but will also give you some idea on how long you have to combat your desire next time.
The 10th Day:The benefits of quitting smoking keep on increasing. In approximately 10 day you will feel two to three crave sensation or even no craving for nicotine of tobacco smoke.
In about 10 to 2 weeks, your craving episodes will stop and recovery of body functioning will progress further. In about 2 to 4 weeks withdrawal symptoms will be eradicated and normal emotional or psychological conditions can be experienced. This will help you in long run and at every stage of your life you will understand the benefit of your decision to quit smoking.
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