Is it possible to recover my psychic abilities? How to I get started on using my psychic ability? What is happening to me? We get hundreds of questions about being psychic.... Some of the questions and answers are so interesting, that we wanted to share them with you, so...
What part of the brain does one use when seeing the future? Thanks, Front Lefty
The pineal gland in the brain is the third eye. The center of intuitive sight and the things you're asking about. Medical journals as well as esoteric books will give you information about your question. Thanks for asking, Laura
On Being Clairsentient
One Saturday afternoon, I felt sick in the stomach as though someone had really hurt me inside, in a feeling way not physical. It was the weirdest feeling and I said to a friend, "Someone old whom I know will fall ill or even die." She suggested my grandparents but I knew it wasn't them. It was someone else and the next day I had my drama lesson at my teachers house and on her door it said she was in hospital after her heart slowed down dramatically on Saturday. She was an old lady. I was so shocked and hurt that she got sick. It was as if I felt she was going to be sick. I felt guilty because maybe I could have warned her that she was sick if I had known it was her, I felt a charge in me and sometimes to this day I do feel weird and something happens to people around me. I can't explain exactly what happens.
What you speak of is called clairsentience - the ability to feel things...please don't feel guilty - this probably wasn't about your giving her some warning, but more about being warned yourself to be prepared for the loss... from the sounds of it, it would be worth your working with your ability more - read up on being psychic, study reiki
- a good technique for someone with empathic powers like you. Lotsa LLLove, Danielle
Reading for Yourself
I am really trying to learn who I am. I am intuitive when it comes to others but not to myself. I find myself counseling people I've never met prior though, I can't seem to figure myself out. Will I ever be able to help myself in anyway or am i just not wanting to face who or what I really am? I have been told that i have an open spirit.
Getting to know yourself is an ongoing process... a lot of the reason we can't intuit for ourselves is because of the fear that we might encounter something negative... and also that the inner work will mean that we have to change, and change is itself fearful...and we are afraid to have our self-esteem
damaged by what we see when we go deeper into ourselves... but the fact of the matter is that we create our reality through our thoughts and feelings, the love we express, and the actions we getting to know yourself is the key ingredient in making your life work well
- and also being able to tune into to yourself... try taking a class in meditation... keep a journal of your thoughts and feelings and review it regularly... and perhaps learn to work with a tool like the tarot
to help you tune in for yourself... the runes and the I Ching are very useful for personal work. Hope that helps, Lotsa LLLove, Danielle
Night Terrors
Hi, I'm 13. A lot of times I go to sleep I wake up but not really, I feel paralyzed, I could hardly move, I hear a weird sound like a car engine and feel like I am going up but not. I can't see so I try hard to break out - is this some psychic power? any ways I know I'm a little psychic but am I really? every guess I make is usually right, when I cut 4 equal squares and mark on and have someone mix them up I usually get it right? so am I? Jon This is a normal experience, hon, there is a stage in sleep where we are actually paralyzed, but it is unusual to awaken in it - except for young people... who seem to be prone to these experiences - perhaps it is just that your hormones are out of whack... in any case, this is not a paranormal experience... however, being able to guess the right cards, is... but even there, odds are that you can pick one out of four fairly frequently... the real test is whether you can pick cards out of a whole deck... start by trying to decide whether the card is red or black, then see if you can pick out the suits, keep practicing until you can get the actual card... everyone has some psychic ability... the more we use it, the more it strengthens. Lotsa LLLove, Danielle
Troubles Meditating
I've tried meditation
many times before but for some reason I have trouble with this. I tend to think about everything at once when I try meditating. Is this normal? If not would you please tell me what it is I need to do to help? Thank you again Anise
Yes, this is quite normal...the trick is to allow the thoughts to just float on through, acknowledge them, they have a reason for coming up... then return your focus inward, concentrate on your breath... it can be helpful to focus on a specific thought, or to use a mantra or to chant... you may also find that holding onto a piece of clear quartz crystal helps to keep your focus... Lotsa LLLove, Danielle
I think I need the class in meditation
. Have been trying on my own, but only end up exhausted, so have resorted to meditating only at bedtime cause it really wipes me out. Heh heh. Annette
You can meditate while washing the floors, taking a bath, walking
the beach, wherever, whenever... meditation
is simply about maintaining a focus, working with your breath, and interacting directly with the energy around you... it is a way of listening to your soul... and this can happen wherever, whenever... I give folks lots of physical meditations - for example to clean a drawer or a closet with the intent of clearing some energy form your space and opening you up to fresh ideas... taking a class will be useful, but perhaps you have been working too hard at it. Lotsa LLLove, Danielle
I have meditated for years and had some amazing results. In addition to this, I am an out-of-bodier and a lucid dreamer. I constantly get messages to meditate, meditate, meditate. Yet reached a point where I began to feel an extremely strong resistance towards meditation and I didn't know why. As a result of this, I gave meditation a break for a few months, but really missed it as well as the beneficial effects on my life. I have now started meditating again, but the resistance remains. Can you shed any light on this? Carine
Sounds like it was time to begin applying what you learned through meditation... at the end of the day, life is to be lived, not contemplated... try using other ways to connect with yourself - for example, do "living meditations" - wash your floors as you focus on gratitude for having such a support... wash your clothes with the intent of also clearing your aura
... Hope that helps, Lotsa LLLove, Danielle
Being Psychic and Physically Fit
I am curious about something. Does a person's physical fitness
level have any bearing on their psychic abilities? The reason I ask is because I used to be a personal trainer and I understand quite a bit about human anatomy and physiology and I know that the more you work the human body the stronger it becomes. And things like heart rate and respiration slow down because the stronger the heart and lungs are the less they have to work. And the better shape someone is in the better their blood flow is and all kinds of fun stuff like that. I was just wondering if that had any effect on their psychic abilities. This might be a cheesy question but thats how my mind works.... Greg
Actually, Greg, this is not a cheesy question... your assumptions are correct... the more fit and "alive" you are, the better able you are to receive clearly. An interesting side note... I have had a myriad of health problems - a lot of psychics
do - , but I am probably healthier and more active physically than ever in my life - and this happened after I started practicing as a psychic full time... when you start understanding the nature of energy, it becomes a natural step to also start taking care of yourself better - to eat, sleep, and play healthy... I speak of the necessity of taking care of one's physical machinery as one of the key steps to developing one's psychic ability.
They have also proven that folks' minds work better, that we learn more easily and hold new information longer when we exercise regularly. I am sure this also applies to psychic ability. Lotsa LLLove, Danielle
synchronicity and focus
Whenever we talk via the internet or however, we always say the same thing at the same time or are thinking the same thing before the other person writes it. This may seem like coincidence, but it is to an extreme of happening about 8 times in one conversation. We were wondering if you could help us to analyse how and why this happens.. and if you believe it is a true connection we share?
It is just about being tuned to the same frequency... it can mean you have a connection, but these connections
can also be dependent on focus... when the person you are focused on is no longer so present in your life or mind, then the synchronicities tend to slow down... Lotsa LLLove, Danielle
I would like to know more about sensitives. I have only heard of this term twice and from only two totally different books
. There is not a lot of infomation about this subject. I am a sensitive and so are my two young children.
Sensitives is just a softer word for psychic and typically refers to folks with a lot of empathic ability, but not necessarily... learn about energy, take up Reiki
and meditation, and read about how we create our realities and how we can develop our psychic abilities. Lotsa LLLove, Danielle
Daniele is the owner and author of, your source for quality psychic readings and advice.