Pu-erh tea often has several flavors such as sweet, bitter, astringent, sour, water, and tasteless. These flavors may exist alone in a certain bubble Pu-erh tea, or multiple flavors may coexist at the same time. Today, let's talk about these kinds of Pu-erh tea flavors:

1. Sweet: Sweet is what dreamers of Pu-erh tea enjoy. After long-term aging , the bitter and astringent taste of Pu-erh tea gradually weakened due to oxidation, or even completely absent, while the sugar remained in the Yunnan big leaf tea leaves, and after brewing, the sweet taste was slowly released.
The better the Pu-erh tea is, the more it brews into the back, the more obvious the sweetness. The sweetness in tea is elegant and harmless to health. It is different from the sweetness of thick sugar. For example, Pu-erh tea made from raw tea and tea cyanine, the sweetness in its tea soup is pure and elegant, which also best represents Pu-erh tea. The authenticity of the tea is light and leisurely, and it has elevated Pu-erh tea to the state of art.

2. Bitterness: Bitterness is the original flavor of tea. The bitterness of Pu-erh tea is because it contains caffeine, which causes excitatory effects on the human nervous system. Really healthy Pu-erh tea products are not refreshed by bitterness, but from the slightly bitter tea soup to achieve the effect of returning sweetness and throat. Puer tea made from relatively young tea cyanine has a bitter taste. As for the processing of bitterness, it is controlled by brewing method. At the same time, depending on the acceptability of bitterness of each product, appropriate bitter tea soup is brewed.

3. Astringent: It is often said that no bitterness or astringency is not tea. In fact, the old Pu-erh tea that has been aged for many years has disappeared. The astringency of tea is because it contains tea tannins. Pu-erh tea is made from large leaf tea cyanine. The tea tannins are much more than ordinary tea. So the new Pu-erh tea is very strong and has astringent taste. Appropriate astringent feeling is acceptable to those who have tasted it, because astringent will cause the muscles in the mouth to converge, and it will act as a stimulant. Astringent can increase the stiffness of Pu-erh tea soup and also satisfy those who have a heavy taste.

4. Sour and water: The acidity and water taste are both bad taste of Pu-erh tea. Of course, when you drink Pu-erh tea, you don't want acid and water taste. Poorly made or poorly stored tea leaves may have a sour taste. With sour Pu-erh tea, after three or five openings, some sour taste will gradually decrease. The water taste brings a feeling of faintness, corruption and freshness. The sour taste and the water taste are all rejected and accepted by Pu-erh tea.

5. Tasteless: Most Pu-erh tea masters have recognized that the tasteless taste is the best taste of Pu-erh tea. This may be related to the age of aging . For more than one hundred or two hundred years of Golden tribute tea, the comment is that the soup is colored, but the tea flavor is weak. The tasteless taste has a full Zen state, and you can realize such a state. Among hundreds of teas, I am afraid that only Pu-erh tea has it.

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Author's Bio: 

Naturalpuerh company general manager who love tea very much as my son.