Prostatitis is a common disease in urology, especially in male patients under 50 years old. Among all types pf prostatitis, non-bacterial prostatitis is more common than bacterial prostatitis. For the treatment of non-bacterial prostatitis, some patients' effect after receiving antibacterial treatment improved, mostly as empirical treatment.

However, bacterial culture can not be done when antibiotics are used, so there is no evidence for medication due to the absence of bacteria in the urine. We can only speculate that there may be unidentified pathogens in the patients who benefit from the treatment. The commonly used antibiotics include quinolones and macrolides.

Herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. It can kill all kinds of bacteria. The treatment of chronic non-bacterial prostatitis is based on the whole body. It can treat not only the diseased area but also inhibit the further spread of inflammation. Meanwhile, it can eliminate the symptoms and cure the disease from its root.

What symptoms do prostatitis patients have?

1. Urination discomfort: patients will often appear frequent urination, urethral burning pain, pain can radiate to the penis head. In the morning, there is mucus, mucus and pus secretion in the urethral orifice, and the urine is turbid or white after urination. In severe urine situation, voiding difficulty or urinary retention can also occur.

2. Sexual dysfunction: patients in the early time can appear sexual hypersplenism, later they may have sexual desire declined or disappeared, ejaculation pain, hematuria, premature ejaculation, impotence, ejaculation and infertility.

3. Local symptoms: the patient's posterior urethra, perineum and anus will feel abnormal, heavy pressure or fullness, especially when squatting or defecating.

4. Radiation pain: when inflammation occurs, it will increase the tension inside the gland, stimulate the sympathetic nerve and cause metastatic low back pain . The pain can radiate to the penis, testicle, scrotum, groin, perineum, abdomen, thigh, buttock, rectum, etc.

5. Abnormal symptoms: Patients with chronic prostatitis will appear fatigued, dizziness, insomnia and depression . There are also a variety of special feelings, such as heavy head and light feet, cold stomach, head and face fever and so on.

Does sleeping naked really help relieve prostatitis symptoms?

Sleeping naked can protect testicles and reduce disease. Sleeping in underwear will increase the possibility of infection in the private parts. Underwear will lock in some heat and moisture, and the warm and humid environment is most likely to breed bacteria and cause infections. The more bacteria, as long as there is any skin damage in the testis, it is prone to infection. Therefore, sleeping naked can make testicles cleaner, drier and healthier.

Sleeping naked promotes metabolism and helps erection. Sleeping naked can promote metabolism, make blood circulation more unobstructed, blood flowing to the penis will be more abundant, erection more firm. Sleeping naked protects sperm and helps fertility.

Optimize sperm production, the scrotum needs to be kept at the right temperature. The optimum temperature is 35 ℃ to 35.5 ℃. When the testicular temperature is too high, sperm quality will be negatively affected.

Sleeping naked is helpful for prostatitis. In addition, drinking more water can promote urination, which also plays a role in cleaning the urinary tract. If you drink water regularly, the prostate's stimulation will be reduced after the urine is diluted, which is also a kind of protection for the prostate.

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