Private obstetrician London is specialised in dealing with reproductive tract of women and their children during prenatal period (or, pregnancy ), time of labour and delivery and post natal period. The post natal period generally include 6 weeks of care after delivery.
There is a general misconception among people regarding private obstetrician London and midwives. To clear the confusion, the basic difference is as follows:
i. If a woman is suffering from obstetric complications then it is an obstetrician, an expert in dealing with obstetric complications, who can help the woman. The works done by a private obstetrician London are already given in the definition above.
ii. Midwives are the ones who are experts in doing normal child birth.
Nowadays, midwives help obstetrician during prenatal, labour, delivery and post natal period. Thus, we can say that private obstetrician London has become an essential part of a woman during child birth.
There are many obstetrician and London pregnancy clinics available. However, it is very difficult to know who is the best suited to your need. You can choose the best private obstetrician London by following the below mentioned points:
i. Skills
While choosing the right obstetrician you should check hid/her skill sets. Please check through the medical board whether a concerned obstetrician is a registered one.
ii. Experience
The total number of years worked by a private obstetrician London is very important because it helps him/her to get more exposure in prenatal, delivery and post natal period. Usually an obstetrician is said to be experienced if he or she has helped more than thousand babies to see the day light, through various methods.
iii. Convenience
Convenience of going to the clinic or visiting the obstetrician is very important. The transit time of going from one place to another can be tiring, expensive and time consuming. This is the reason why obstetricians make their patients to get admitted close to nearby pregnancy clinics. If you want to locate a private obstetrician London then you search Google Maps or Yellow Pages for knowing the exact location.
You can also ask certain questions before choosing a private obstetrician London. Some of these important questions or facts that you need to know from an obstetrician are mentioned below:
a) Try to know about the beliefs and philosophies of your obstetrician
It is very important for you to know how child birth is seen by your obstetrician because the entire process of care depends on this.
Do they believe that child birth?
• should be monitored and managed on a continuous basis
• requires preventative procedures
• is completely a natural process and should not be interfered with until and unless required
b) Does the pregnant woman have any kind of decision making power in the process of child birth?
c) During labour time, what are the different aspects to take account of?
These are some of the questions that a patient can ask before choosing a private obstetrician London.
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Author's Bio: 

Dorothy Bennett is a private obstetrician in London. She had been a part of Lansdell Suite for years and is currently working on setting up a clinic of her own.