privacy online has become an important issue lately. The advent of the Internet and the world wide web has changed the way we think, communicate, and conduct commerce. However, as these new technologies have advanced, the way in which privacy is protected and violated has changed with them. Web users now have many ways of protecting their privacy online, not least of which is the ability to delete internet history.

The increased ability to share information on the Internet has lead to new ways in which privacy can be breached. New technologies have also made it easier to gather private information. Indeed, as large, interconnected information systems become more common, their databases hold so much information that is accessible to so many people that it is almost impossible to control the inflows and outflows of information. Such information is often illegally obtained and sold to others for profit, or used for purposes not sanctioned by the individual concerned.

Another factor related to privacy online is the ability to do online inquiries of individuals. Facebook, for example, is a large social-networking site, with nearly 500 million members, who upload over 25 billion pieces of content each month. Twitter has more than 100 million registered users. And these are just examples of two of the more popular social networking sites. Blogs, personal websites, and commercial homepages that feature employee bio-data are also rich targets for those seeking personal information.

Fortunately, there is now a way of protecting your privacy online. Privacy control software permanently deletes all data related to your internet activity—this can be activity generated by Internet Explorer, FireFox, AOL, and Opera among others. To delete internet history is to obliterate the path an identity thief or information prowler can use to get to your personal details. Such software wipes out your entire website history, including websites visited, tracking cookies, ID's, confidential passwords, banking details and credit card information. And it completely erases all privacy files pertaining to Instant Messaging and Voice over IP.

There is little doubt that privacy is one of the biggest problems in this new electronic age. With so much information swirling around the virtual sphere, the temptation to voyeurism is considerable. To be sure, Internet culture has mostly been a force for good. And the ideas of transparency, openness, and community are at its heart. However, there is a flip side of these values. For some persons the idea of openness can become a pathological desire to find out everything about you; and once they have found out everything about you, they may decide to use it in ways that are harmful to you. There is also the danger that other persons will abuse the idea of transparency by transforming personal information about you and two hundred million others into an asset to be bought and sold.

Of course, none of this was what people were thinking of when they called this the information age. However, it is a reality that has to be dealt with. Protecting your privacy online is more important than ever; so don't delay in getting your privacy control software .

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Protect your privacy online . Find out how easy it is to delete internet history at .