The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we operate in a number of different ways, and the way we access healthcare is one of them. Gone are the days of calling up your GP and requesting an appointment, having to wait a few days to get one and then driving yourself down to the clinic for an assessment. If there’s one good thing that came out of the pandemic, it is the rise of telehealth.

Nowadays, getting checked up by your doctor has become super easy with many telehealth clinics offering video consultations with doctors all around Australia. Just sign up to their service, select a speciality, fill in a questionnaire about your medical history and some general information about you, and a specialised, licensed doctor will get in touch with you at a time of your choosing.

So you’ve booked your appointment. Now what? Here are a few tips and tricks to help you prepare for your first video consultation with a doctor .

Get access to the required technology When you first book your appointment, find out what platform—Skype, Zoom, Facetime etc—your telehealth service provider uses for their video consultations. You’ll also need access to a smartphone, tablet or laptop with a working speaker and microphone for the purposes of your appointment. It is also highly recommended to have a high-speed Internet connection to prevent any connectivity issues from letting you make the most of your appointment time. You might also want to ensure your device is fully charged before the time of your appointment.

Record your symptoms Many people find that when they go in for a consultation with their doctor, they sometimes forget to mention a few symptoms that had been bothering them, mostly due to nervousness, stress or worry. To prevent any such instance from happening, it might be a good idea to pen down any symptoms you have noticed and any questions you may have for your doctor. It is also advisable to keep a pen and some paper handy during your consultation to note down anything your doctor needs you to remember.

Remember your medications If you are already taking medication for any other disease, it is imperative that you tell your doctor about them. Many drugs can have adverse effects when mixed with other drugs, so letting your doctor know of your medical history can help them find alternate medication for you if needed.

Find an appropriate location Before your appointment, find a well-lit corner of your house with a good internet connection and the least amount of interruptions or distractions. You need to ensure that your doctor can hear you properly, as well as see you in case he or needs to make a physical examination of a skin condition. You may have another person in the room for support, provided they don’t cause too much disturbance.

Ask about follow ups
Once you’ve successfully had a video consultation with your doctor, don’t forget to ask them about what to do in case your symptoms worsen. Most doctors will tell you themselves if you need a follow up appointment , but in case he or she doesn’t, make sure to ask so you have all your bases covered.

Author's Bio: 

I have zeal to pen down my thoughts when it comes to writing. When not working, either I am glued to my playlist, Netflix, books or you can find me splurging on myself.