Few years back, it seems difficult or impossible to conceive child if someone is unable to do so naturally. Unfortunately couples struggling with infertility had no successful options. But now the advanced development of modern biological science has allowed infertile couples to conceive artificially and make it a possibility for several couples to have their own baby.
However before looking for IVF treatment, it is good to prepare yourself for the implications that may occur during or after the treatment procedure. One of the major things which you need to consider is the success rate of the medical treatment. While going through the procedure, it is essential to be realistic and to understand the actual success rate of the method.IVF is not so much different with any other ART methods. One can successfully get pregnant with one IVF cycle or may need to go through several cycles, depending on individual health issues. Though the procedure is considered as the most successful among all ART methods and is usually suggested when others have failed, but as no medical treatment comes with 100% success rate and so as IVF is.
Age is the significant factor that majorly affects the success rate of infertility treatments. The growing age of women already leads to higher risk of infertility and in their forties the chances of getting pregnant is slim. Three main aspects on which the success of IVF treatment depends are the female’s age, state of health of both the partner and the reason of infertility. These are the factors that determine if In Vitro Fertilization could be the solution. Though several couples try another treatment in case first fails and if experiencing continuous failures, then there may not be chances to alter your success.

Cost is another factor need strong consideration. It is something that treated as a last resort by number of couples. Just because of its high cost, IVF is opted when other methods and treatments have been failed. Since no one can give you 100% guarantee about the IVF treatment, it is wise to be prepared for multiple cycles and attempts. Before considering IVF as a feasible option, one will need to be emotionally and financially strong. You must be prepared for the failure (if occurs) and must have enough finances to try for another cycle.

Prepare Yourself as a Couple
Going through IVF treatment can be exciting and annoying. Lots of emotional issues are attached with this medical procedure that both the parties will need to undergo. If all goes well, it brings priceless happiness in your life but in case if it fails, it can put a great deal of depression and stress on your relationship as well.
Couples who experience difficulty in conceiving may already be struggling from anxiety , stress and depression , this is the reason it is essential to understand every aspect of the process as a couple. Being prepared for the outcome whether it is negative or positive can take a levy on any relationship. So it is wise to keep communicating with your partner and ensure you both go as a united couple throughout the entire treatment.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Ali Riaz Malik , apart from being an exceptional medical professional he is also a very popular philanthropist.