Preimplantation genetic testing or PGT is carried out to determine genetic abnormalities in embryos made with an in vitro fertilization (IVF). With preimplantation genetic testing in Newport Beach , a doctor can choose embryos predicated not to have a certain genetic condition or chromosomal abnormalities for transfer. It offers patients a chance to minimize the chance of their future children having a genetic illness.

How the Test Works

Those interested in PGT should see a preimplantation genetic testing specialist and determine whether they need to have it done for their embryos. As with all genetic tests, PGT offers benefits and comes with limitations that patients must be aware of. 

When PGT is decided, a patient goes through an IVF cycle to retrieve eggs and make embryos. These embryos are monitored in a lab for several days following fertilization when referred to as blastocysts. Your specialist will remove some cells from every embryo and ship them to an outside lab for PGT.  The PGT results will usually be available in a week or two after the biopsy. When the embryos are appropriate for transfer, a frozen embryo transfer will be scheduled with a doctor. 

PGT for Monogenetic Disorders (PGT-M)

Some patients suffer from a genetic condition like neurofibromatosis type 14 or Marfan syndrome they could pass on to their children. Sometimes, both partners may carry a recessive genetic condition like cystic fibrosis or the woman can have fragile X syndrome. These patients can work closely with their doctors and genetic counselors. PGT-M is meant to predict the embryos that do not have the genetic condition they are at risk for, letting the doctor choose them for transfer. It can significantly minimize the risk of having an impacted child before pregnancy

PGT is also performed to test embryos for abnormalities in chromosomes as well as chromosomal positions and rearrangements. 

Benefits of PGT

PGT can help reduce the risk of pregnancy losses. A healthy embryo is important in a successful pregnancy . However, when two parents pass abnormal chromosomes or a genetic disorder onto an embryo, this will not survive. Identifying healthy embryos before implantation increases the chances of pregnancy through single embryo transfers and reduces the risk of miscarriages. Also, identifying healthy embryos at the get-go can help avoid unsuccessful transfers.

Moreover, undergoing PGT can minimize the uncertainty before and after the transfer of an embryo. Even if embryos are found to be genetically flawed, this information can help a patient avoid the emotional stress of miscarriage or pregnancy loss in the future. And a specialist can use this information to determine how to get back on track toward helping the patient achieve a successful pregnancy. 

Author's Bio: 

Parker shown is a full time blogger and can be contacted at