In these hard economic times, paying taxes can really be taxing. As painful as it may, taxes are inevitable; in fact, it is a staple no matter where we are. There’s no escaping it and no matter where you go, taxes are here to stay. Taxes are the lifeblood of any country, without it, the country will not be able to survive. We just have to adapt and learn to live with it.

Many of us are suffering the effects of the economic slump. It is now harder to let ends meet. Budgeting our finances it getting more difficult month over month. A lot of us are already at our ebb and in debt . Life can be tough especially when we are financially tight. And in this situation, paying our annual taxes can really be burdensome. We always look for ways to put more money in our pockets and have more purchasing power in order to live a more comfortable life. It is for this very reason that personal tax planning is needed. This plays a vital role in our financial stability.

It is beneficial that we learn some practical ideas for personal tax planning. Read along and realize the great advantages of wise and careful tax planning for individuals.

Knowledge is Power:

Knowledge is a major player in planning for our taxes . We have to take time to educate and appraise ourselves with the latest tax laws. We have to know the updated personal allowances, minimum taxable income, exceptions and the like. Allot some time to research and study because this will ensure that we are able to maximize the provisions of the law and use it to our advantage. This is ensuring that not a single penny is wasted – this is giving to the country what is rightfully theirs but at the same time utilizing what is lawfully ours.

Subtraction for Tax Deductions :

Tax deductions or allowable annual personal allowances are here to benefit us and capitalize on it. Its okay to maximize it. We have to know the ceiling amount for our respective tax categories. One great way to ensure that this benefit is utilized is to keep track of our expenses by itemizing them. Have an updated record of our expenditure such as various taxes (local and property taxes), health care, mortgage interest, donations to charity and other expenses.

Have Passion for Your Pension :

Funding our pension fund now will not just benefit us in the future but is also a great help in reducing our taxes. The tax law allows tax breaks or tax reliefs when we contribute for our retirement fund. It is good that we always check on the details of our annual allowable pension contributions in relation to our personal tax planning to ensure that we are also maximizing this benefit.

Its Best to Invest :

Saving and investing is another way to reduce your taxes. Tax law offers generous tax relief for our investments. Individual Saving Acount(ISA), Venture Capital Trusts(VCT) and Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) are helpful tools for us to take advantage for another tax break. We are hitting two birds in one stone when utilizing this strategy and a tax relief and a more secured future for us.

Taxing Made Easy :

Taxes can be very complex, to many of us it even difficult to decipher and fully understand. All those numbers and computations and provisions are just too hard to comprehend. Tax experts or accountants are here to help us with this tedious task. It is wise to consult a tax advisor about the latest on our tax laws as well as seek the aid of an accountant to help us in ever aspect of taxation. This will ensure that we pay the right taxes as well as enjoying the exemptions and benefits applicable to us.

There‘s no doubt that we have to pay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and this is non-negotiable but is important that we always practice wise personal tax planning. This is diligence and faithfulness in obeying the law. That’s why a sound advice and help from a competent tax expert is ideal to guide us every step of the way.

With wise and careful tax planning , we can now have a paradigm shift and be able to look and appreciate taxes in a different light and it is not just paying our dues to the government but more so, our investment to our personal lives and to a better future for us and our families .

Author's Bio: 

Jack handles audit, tax and accounts for small and medium sized companies. Working for SPW UK, a London Chartered Accountancy Firm.

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