Imagine I would tell you that you can have an awesome body, lively, vibrant, awesome, gorgeous and oozing with sex appeal? What if I would tell you that you can possibly be focused, creative and ready to take on the world all day, everyday?

You probably want me to say now that there is a perfect body shape tablet. Sorry to disappoint you but I have something better. This is not a trumpet call preparing you for how difficult getting the ideal body measurements will be, just how much will power you are going to need, all the things you should forgo and how much kale you have to eat.

How to get the best body?

You already have a best body. It's time to stop battling your body, criticizing your body and badmouthing it. Your physical body is the only one you have, so work with it and enable it to work for you.

Just be kind and do what is best for you and your body always. When you adopt this mindset, everything else just falls into place. Our thoughts manifest to matter in our bodies so send yourself positive messages through loving self-talk as you go through the tides of life.

The first component of your best body formula is a positive frame of mind

Taking care of your perfect body is first and foremost to develop a positive frame of mind towards your body and accept responsibility for your health. A positive frame of mind means exploring what you want for yourself and what suits your body, your interests, your goals and your life.

A positive frame of mind also means accepting responsibility; being responsible for making the choices that benefit you and serve you well. You are accountable for exercising those choices by doing the right things at the right time. That might mean going to the gym though you do not feel like it or not going to the gym because it might serve your goals better to swim with your children and even resting.

The second component of your best body formula is nutrition

There is no such thing as a perfect body diet . You really need to educate yourself but the rule of thumb here, no matter what type of diet regimen you prefer, is to eat as clean as possible. Clean eating basically refers to going back to basics like choosing an apple instead of something with apple flavor or for example searching for ground beef that is actually 100 % ground beef and not 80 % plus fillers.

The third component of your best body solution is physical exercise

I have been identifying the need of becoming an expert in your own body and paying attention to what your body tells you instead of what society tells you. You don't have to get ripped to be healthy, you do not need to go the gym everyday, unless you desire to and you don't have to push yourself to the point of exhaustion unless competitiveness is your thing. Physical activity is among the things where one size does not fit all.

There are many programs around concentrating on a specific aspect of health and fitness. Some are primarily focused on weight-loss while others emphasize strength, stamina and perhaps a certain skill. The basic premise is that exercise is your responsibility and together with positive thinking and healthy eating, a necessary component of your well-being and happiness .

Practice self-love and remember that doing nothing is not an option. Your already perfect body reacts to these three elements; positive thinking, nutrition and exercise . React to this knowledge I am giving you, take your lists, educate yourself and get help if needed.

Just be awesome and happy experimenting with your perfect body

Anita Sig Happiness Therapist

Author's Bio: 

Enabling people to unleash their awesomeness and realizing authentic happiness is Anita’s passion. With an academic background in leadership studies and positive psychology, Anita, with her a focus happiness studies, is dedicated to deliver the best methods at any given time for awesome people in search for happiness and personal success in all areas of life. Anita believes in the beauty in all of us and armed with kindness, passion, a strong presence and a creative mind, she inspires clients to express this beauty and be awesome. Check out Anita’s online programs on her website as well as her free weekly Awesomeness Tips.