Prostatitis causes more or less damage to men, and this disease often comes from the improper handling of the details of life.

Men need to develop good living habits and improve the awareness of prostatitis prevention. For patients with chronic prostatitis, they should keep in mind that alcohol, tobacco, and spicy food are taboos in their daily life.

1. Alcohol

Alcohol dilates blood vessels, and when it enters the body, it is able to increase blood circulation in your body, and the prostate gland is no exception. When suffering from chronic prostatitis, alcohol should be abstained absolutely, lest it makes the inflammation spread, causing other chain reaction.

Long-term alcoholic prostatitis is not easy to cure, even if it has been cured, it will be very easy to relapse. For alcoholics, it is usually very hard to quitting drinking alcohol, but there is always a way if you have unswerving willpower.

2. Tobacco

People who smoke for a long time have lower immunity of antibodies and are vulnerable to harmful microorganisms. The prostate gland may be one of the organs that can be easily affected.

Nicotine, tar, nitrosamines, carbon monoxide and other toxic substances in tobaccos, not only can directly poison the prostate tissue, but also can interfere with the nerve function of the innervation of blood vessels, affect the blood circulation of the prostate gland, and can aggravate the prostate congestion to some extent.

3. Spicy food

Spicy foods, like alcohol, certainly have irritating effects, especially on the prostate gland. Often eating spicy food can make you inflamed easily, and also stimulate the prostate gland, leading to prostate congestion. Chronic congestion can put a lot of pressure on the prostate gland, and chronic prostatitis will develop over time.

Chronic prostatitis features many long-term but not drastic symptoms, such as frequent urination, burning sensation, painful urination, low abdomen pain and discomfort. Commonly, you can take the herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to solve this disease, which has great effects on dispel inflammation, improve blood circulation and disperse painful sensations. It is harmless and doesn't lead to any side effects on human health.

This herbal medicine is purely a Chinese medicine, and it's well known that traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the diet conditioning. During the treatment, you should also avoid alcohol, tobacco and spicy food. Meanwhile, light foods are what you need at ordinary times, such as fresh fruits, milk, egg, melon, and vegetables.

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