Overcoming self hatred and the dangerous behaviors that can result from these unhealthy emotions is possible through Jesus Christ. Bulimia, cutting, addictions, and illnesses can result from self-hatred. Christian ministries provide healing rejection truths.

Overcoming and healing rejection is connected to healing self hatred and the dangerous behaviors associated with these unhealthy emotions. Physical sicknesses including, heart disease , diabetes, and more are scientifically connected to unhealthy emotions. The negative emotions caused by self hatred create serious issues; these serious issues can result in suicide thoughts and attempts, relational issues, panic attacks, self harm such as cutting, bulimia, and more. There are so many negative issues that results from these dangerous emotions. This can start as early as the womb and behaviors that express withdrawal, frustration, anger, and other unhealthy emotions, can be an early indication. Deliverance from this dangerous emotion and behaviors is achievable. They spiritual strong can be abolished forever.

This often creates a generational stronghold that is seen throughout a family line. Online ministries provide a workbook, Matters of the Heart. This workbook provides lessons, illustrations, and prayers for stepping out of bondage and into victory. Break strongholds that have manifested in your family line for generations, once and for all. Break the power of self hatred in your life by overcoming and healing rejection. Christian leaders who provide balanced teachings based on a foundation of truth are available online. Jesus Christ paid the price for sickness, disease, instability, sin, and every curse of the enemy. Many people feel lost in the application of the word. This workbook and website focuses primarily on assisting individuals in applying the word and getting results. Knowing the truth will set you free. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life and through him we can receive reconciliation with God the father. This reconciliation will break the lie of the enemy that creates a vast space between us and our knowledge of God's love. God so loved the world that he sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to set us free! (based on John 3:16) The knowledge of God's love will break demonic strongholds and set individuals free to receive and give love. This is the foundation for healing rejection.

Allow your mind to be renewed by the love of God. This workbook provides tools for breaking free from toxic emotions and mindsets that lead to self hatred and dangerous behaviors. Many professionals are saying that cutting is becoming an epidemic among youth. You can break free from this dangerous behavior and assist your loved one with breaking free, through the application of God's word. Learn God's feelings concerning shame, discouragement, heart ache, addiction , and more. God's thoughts are not our thoughts and, as we learn to take on His thoughts our thoughts will line up with health and wholeness. There are many emotional challenges that are directly connected with our perspective of our selves. As we learn to it except the truths concerning God's love, and learn to cast down thoughts of self hatred, all self harm behaviors will dissipate. You can begin to experience the joy that God feels concerning you. He loves you, He sent His own Son to die for you. His thoughts towards you are good and they are to prosper you and give you a good future.

Author's Bio: 

Healing Streams is a trusted source for healing rejection and overcoming self hatred as a Christian.