Welcome, welcome, welcome! Thank you so much for joining me today for your Overall Message from Spirit for September 2020. I’m excited to see what Spirit has to say and without further due, let’s start our reading. In the past few weeks, or perhaps few months, for some of you, things may not have been flowing exactly the way you’ve planned. It hasn’t been exactly horrible, but things appear mediocre and not the hype and excitement you wanted it to be. For others, you are starting to feel defeated in regards to achieving a goal. There are some people around you, who have caused destruction in your life. This person degrades you and brings your energy levels down. Don’t fall into their trap, their focus is to weaken your willpower to slow you down in accomplishing your goals.

I know it may feel like you’re by yourself at times or may just want to be left alone, but Spirit has people lined up to assist you in this part of your journey. These people will have a great impact on your personal growth . It’s time to transform into the best version of YOU and these appointed individuals will help you through this change. This person may lead you out of a difficult situation and/or provide a place of safety. They will also lead you to success, so pay attention to those who cross your path. Be alert and aware, and use discernment to recognize these messengers sent to you from the Divine. This experience may be hard for you to believe, but it’s real and these people are here to help you advance.

Your plans may be off to a cloudy start. As soon as you thought you had everything figured out, Bang!. Things come to yet again another pause. Slowly your will and patience are beginning to die out and you're beginning to question your life and asking yourself what am I here to do? What is my purpose? Spirit wants you to know, all of your answers are within yourself. Your future holds great prosperity and wealth, so stay focused and motivated to staying on your path.

For those of you moving into a new career field, this will require training, so you may be going to school or in a program where you will learn at a very fast pace. In the end, your hard work will be rewarded and you will feel a sense of achievement . Your success will be measured on your personal commitment to completing this task. But you need to ask yourself honestly are you committed to your dreams ? Commitment is doing what it takes to complete the mission. It requires sacrifice and dedication. Make sure you’re including the Divine in your plans because you can’t do this by yourself. You must meditate or pray for Divine guidance and instructions. Concentrate on your highest good and the highest good of those around you.

Let go of your disappointments. Don’t be embarrassed about your current situation because you can’t control everything. If you want to live your authentic life, you cannot be indecisive on what you want. Manifesting is about, thinking it, asking for it, and putting in the ground work to make it happen. Uncertainty and doubt will only delay your blessings. Stop wasting your energy being anxious, everything will come in divine timing.Your whole perspective about who you are and why you are here is about to shift.

Author's Bio: 

Your Spiritual Messenger.