Many business people in Australia experience goose bumps when cold-calling is introduced. But, it does not mean that they are afraid of the undertaking. Actually, their hair are raised out of anger owing to the pesky telemarketers making unsolicited phone calls when they are busy doing their work. With these responses coming from the sales prospects, it is not anymore surprising to say that many companies still view cold-calling as difficult and daunting.

But the truth is, telemarketing is still an effective means of qualifying sales leads. For many decades now, it does not run out of fuel in efficiently marketing a product and/or service. Aside from using it for market surveys and research, outbound telemarketing is also able to produce high quality results in sales performance by making thousand cold calls, and setting-up hundreds of qualified appointments monthly. After all, there is no direct marketing call that targets exact industry, easily reaches sales prospects and make them respond right away other than telemarketing, is there?

Clearly, cold-calling does have some disadvantages. Most of these issues relate to ethical complaints. However, it cannot be denied that it is one of the most capable in building stronger brand and company image. With this, business organisations in Australia have to dedicate more time in dialling a high volume of cold calls, followed by lead qualification and appointment setting. Instead of being too much concerned about filling the sales pipeline with big-time leads, Aussie companies, with the succor of the telephone, have to devote a full-time job in selling their products and eventually closing business deals. With this scheme, they can earn more revenue while more and more leads are served with the solutions being offered.

However, Australian companies may find it too expensive to build a successful telemarketing department from nothing. Forming an in-house campaign has to be carefully planned. Another concern is that, programs will be pushed through only after the structure is already build, the required technology is bought and installed, and adroit marketing team is trained. The time, money and other resources will first be lost for a long-run before the commencement of the first telemarketing program. The risks and opportunities foregone are too high for Aussie firms to let go. In order to prevent these dreary events from happening, business organisations in Australia will be better off if they choose to outsource.

The opportunities promised by outbound telemarketing get better when it is outsourced from a top-notch third party service provider. By seeking professional help from established telemarketing firms, firms in the Land Down Under do not need to invest their money in employing and training a full-time team of professional telemarketers nor it is necessary to purchase and install the important infrastructure and technological applications. Simultaneously, Aussie companies will be able to save their money, time and other resources, which can be used for internal functions.

In stark contrast, outsourcing is also flocked with flaws and disappointments. Mostly, disadvantages come from language barriers, cultural diversity and employment of incompetent telemarketers. This is, of course, eliminated when an Aussie firm gingerly examines its chosen service provider. When Australia is prepared to embark in outsourcing outbound telemarketing services, it needs to exercise due diligence in selecting the best lead generation partner.

Author's Bio: 

Maegan Anderson works as a professional consultant. She helps businesses in AU and SG increase their revenue by lead generation and appointment setting services through telemarketing. To know more about this visit: