I have always been optimistic and positive. I find that optimism comes naturally to some and can be cultivated by most. Here are a few affirmations to encourage an optimistic view point:

I choose this mindset:  If I think positive thoughts and take positive actions; I can create a positive outcome.

I believe, in full faith and trust, that I can and will create a life filled with hope for the betterment of all.

I choose to live life with a positive point of view and own it as my reality.

Author's Bio: 

Nancy Gentle Boudrie, owner and founder of  Awaken With Light, Inc ., is a Usui Reiki master and teacher, Angel Intuitive Practitioner®, IET Advanced Practitioner®, as well as a certified meditation instructor and practitioner.

You may find her at  Facebook.com/AwakenWithLight Twitter @AwakenWithLight , LinkedIn www.AwakenWithLight.com  and  Google+ . Nancy also has a weekly radio show on  BlogTalkRadio.com/AwakenwithLight  also available on  iTunes .