Squidoo is a powerful and easy source for promoting your products and services, or better yet, sending high quality traffic to your websites and blogs. How does Squidoo do this? Well, Google loves Squidoo and gives the service very high search engine positioning for its keywords. Squidoo is run and monitored by real people who limit the amount of links that you can put in a "lens" (that's what a Squidoo webpage is called). This keeps spamming from being an issue and the quality of the lenses are what search engines trust. If you haven't yet seen this free and fun resource, check out all the interesting lenses that are on the site and how they are structured. You can learn the most about building your lenses from the successful Squids that are a part of the site.

Squidoo comes with multi-media features such as articles, videos, podcasts, polls, blog posts and social networking that are perfect for artists and crafters that want to show off their work. A Squidoo lens, even though it is only a one-page site, can have an unlimited amount of content on it. So you could have an entire website's worth of pictures, videos and text on one simple lens. Many lenses are just extensions of someone's main website. You can re-produce much of your main website content on to your lens. That includes any multi-media that is on your site. You even get paid every month from the ads that people click on from your lens. Some lens owners make as much as $500 a month from ad revenue. If your lens gets really high search positioning on Google, it can become more of a money-maker than even the highest traffic AdSense article sites. But of course, it's all about promotion.... yours.

Although most people use Squidoo to market affiliate products, authors, artists, jewelry makers and even actors have successfully used lenses to promote their services and work. Squidoo is totally free and you can even sell your art from your lens with shopping cart buttons or a link to Clickbank. Squidoo is keyword friendly, which attracts high results on the search engines, give you a ton of traffic that you will find nowhere else. Created by Seth Godin, an expert marketer, you will have a powerful tool with easy-to-use modules that is fun to be a part of. Together with a huge community of fellow users, you can find a ready and waiting market for just about anything. be sure to leave comments on other user's lenses and take advantage of the social aspect of the site.

Author's Bio: 

Alka Dalal, MA. , MS., (NYU and Rutgers University) with many years of corporate experience, founded i-Speak Consulting to enable individuals to take a pro-active approach in being effective communicators in the workplace. She has enjoyed success with different careers, family life and business. She is thrilled to share the stories of her struggles and triumphs in spite of adversities with others, to help them build their dreams and succeed in their own ways and finding their own creativity.She draws upon her vast experience to provide valuable tips on how to succeed in today’s economy using great tool called Internet Marketing.