Summary: Governments world-wide are in a crisis that will widen and deepen till they crumble like the image in the 2nd chapter of Daniel. The US Constitution was a gift of freedom by godly men who honored the biblical model of self-government. If people will not govern themselves well, there are not enough inspectors or police to control the sheeple and there will be a rebellion to the growing tyranny. The easiest example is the government healthcare plan.

“Devil-in-the-details” Bureaucracy: A sample of 1%--the first 200 of 20,000 pages--
#1. Mandates government audit of all employers that self-insure.
#2. Healthcare “rationing” You can only receive so much 'care' per year: $5000/person, $10,000/ family
#3. A government committee will decide what benefits you receive. Pg 30, Section 123.
#4. Healthcare will be provided to all non-US citizens, illegal or otherwise. (you pay) Pg 50, Section 152.
#5. National ID Card. Government access to your bank account for elective fund transfer. Pg 58-59.
#6. “Healthcare Exchanges” bring private healthcare plans under government control. Pg 72.
#7. AARP members will have healthcare rationed. Pg 85.
#8. Automatic enrollment in Medicade—you have no choice. Pg 102.
#9. No Judicial Review against Government monopoly. Pg 124
#10. Employers must pay for healthcare of part-time employees AND their families , Pg 126.
#11. Any person without healthcare acceptable to the government will be taxed (Aliens exempt), Pg 167.
#12. Cancer treatment rationing, Pg 272. (Search YouTube for Government Healthcare Plan, 10 minutes)

As a retired physician who taught Health Science at Loma Linda University. Enjoying great health in his mid-70's, I haven't paid for a prescription since a case of gi flu in 1988. I've been a vegetarian since age 14, never smoked or had a drink of alcohol or coffee and think most people could choose to do so too if they could deal with the problem of addiction withdrawal.

Why should we be taxed to pay for medical care of those who want to eat, drink, smoke or sex as they please? When we don't govern ourselves, we need help. A prescription will solve our problem for a while and then we may need another. It's a slippery slope because sooner or later the body gets toxic to the drug (a chemical) and then problems begin to multiply.

Adverse drug reactions have made medical care a leading cause of illness, disability and death according to medical literature, but sharing with US Senators got this response, “You are wasting your time—they own us” speaking of drug company donations to their re-election.

The drug companies wrote most of Obamacare to make it easy for people to take drugs and get their prescriptions free or cheap. It's a masterpiece of population control that even Congress understands enough to not want it for themselves, but it's bondage for poor ignorant people who don't know any better. Since the mid-70's, the gov calls it 'healthcare' and we swallowed the bait.

They taught us In medical school that Moses wrote the first comprehensive health code with all the ingredients for good health: pure air, sunlight, rest, exercise, a diet that excluded unclean animals listed in the 11th chapter of Leviticus (and supportable by science), use of water, trust in God. Also they were not eat the fat or blood of the slaughtered animal that was carefully inspected—unlike the six cattle carcasses that pass a US government inspector on a conveyor belt every minute in Omaha.

Healthcare is the first of eight levels of control to be obtained before you can create a social state, according to Saul Alinsky, a favorite author of Obama and Hillary—she did a college thesis on him, and as Dr. Carson said, Obamacare is “the worst thing since slavery”--maybe because it's where we're headed.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Richard Ruhling was board-certified in Internal Medicine and had a Fellowship in Cardiology before teaching Health Science at Loma Linda University. The DVD on his website featuring Bill Clinton's cardiologist, Dr. Esselstyn, is the best motivator for a better diet that Ruhling knows and it's working for Clinton! Readers can see 5 minutes of it at Ruhling also authored 'Why You Shouldn't Ask Your Doctor” available at