There has been a long established industry of University Interview Coaching for the top tier. From many of the classrooms of the top private schools there have been evening classes on ‘how to get in’. Now it is starting to spread to the mainstream.

Universities are beginning to take even more care and a leading role in the selection of their own students. Of course A-levels grades are fundamental; however, with an increasing number gaining the top grades it is becoming hard to distinguish potential. University interviews and the UCAS personal statements are now playing an increasingly important role. University interview training and university interview coaching have seen a dramatic increase in demand from both schools and individuals. It is often the concerned parents of A-Level students who are searching these services out.

Are they worth the money? Well it is an important question. Many are not taking the chance and signing up, at worst it is some money wasted, at best it is helping to secure a place in a university education that can set you up for life. This interview training normally includes mock interviews and tutoring on what attributes the interviewee should bring to the foreground of any interview. The best services have subject specific questioning and teach the student about how best to display positive body language and build up rapport. From what I have seen their should be a some referencing of the applicants UCAS personal statement, which often forms the starting block of the interview.

There are a number of companies who offer such a service and most are quite secretive about what they do. The only one, I could find, who was willing to speak to us about it was Adducology, a career and student consultancy. They have two products on the market, University Entrance Training and Oxbridge Entrance Training, they are both telephone based and appear thorough. The Oxbridge University Interview Training is conducted by graduates of Oxford or Cambridge, which is encouraging. Both are reasonably priced at £69.99 and £79.99 respectfully and they both offer ongoing support.

These University Interview Training Services are probably not for everyone although, I know if I was finishing my A-Levels I would probably invest in these services. The added confidence alone would at least cut down the fear and dread of a panel Interview as a teenager!

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Clear the toughest University Interview Training efficiently just by undertaking the services from Adducology. With our University Interview Training Services you are sure to crack any interview. Visit our website to learn more about University Entrance Training.