What is resilience? Well, resilience is having the capacity to bounce back from adversity, and to successfully adapt to difficult situations. People who have this flexibility are adaptable and realistic in their thinking. They see failure as just a momentary set back. Basically they don't take no for an answer. Whatever negative encounter they come across they apply the experience in a self- empowering way to move themselves forward.

Resilience is to some extent inborn, but the good news is it can be developed. I think everyone should develop more resilience to help them overcome any hardships in life. Do you think that you could do with having more resilience?

Remember by having more flexibility in the way you think you will be able to handle both major and minor challenges that life might throw at you, and to be able to turn negative events into positive ones. The following steps will help you to become a lot more resilient.

1. Cultivate the right mind frame:

Do view life's complications as challenges, and respond to these challenges with action, rather than with fear. Throw self-pity, and the blame mind-set out of the window you don't need it! Develop positive self-talk. Remind yourself that whatever hardship you come across that you can overcome it and grow stronger and wiser as a result of the experience.

2. Remember that change is a part of living:

Maybe some goals may no longer be obtainable as a result of opposing changes, beyond your control. If you accept this, then you can concentrate on goals you can achieve.

3. Keep a positive outlook:

A positive way of thinking will enables you to expect that positive things will happen in your life. Think about what you want, rather than what you don't want.

4. Cultivate a Positive View of Yourself:

Have confidence in your ability in solving problems. Trust your instinct. Believe that you are in control of your life that you drive your own bus.

5. Become more emotionally aware:

Resilient people have high emotional awareness. They understand their feelings and why they have them. Knowing why you feel a certain way can help you to find out what needs to change in your life.

6. Develop a sense of humour:

People with a sense of humour are able to deal with stress and other problems a lot more than a humourless person. If you have a sense of humour you are then more able to laugh at life's frustrations, so keep laughing.

7. Exercise regularly:

Exercise has been linked with stronger levels of resilience. This good be because of the effects that endorphins have on the mood. As well as being good for physical health it is also good for mental health. (It is well-known that regular exercise is a very good anti-depressant.)

8. Do something that will take you towards your goals:

Do something everyday that will take you nearer your goals - even if it seems like a small achievement . Do something that you know you will be able to finish on that day Instead of focusing on things that seem unachievable.

9. Don't Give Up:

The most successful people are those who never give up. Don't give up on your dreams . Remember to achieve anything in this world you need to overcome your fears, so face them!

Author's Bio: 

About the Author:

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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