Near death experiences provide insight beyond the objective.

When it comes to understanding the phenomenon of near death experiences, there are several objective lenses which can be applied. First, did the patient actually have a loss of all life functioning and require life support equipment. If so, how long was the patient in near death experience ranges. A long, oxygen deprivation will likely induce a “bright, white light”. This explains the commonality among near death experiences. That is not to deny the experience but, rather, to explain a part of the phenomenon.

But, what objective markers might indicate a significantly unique experience in which the person very much did experience the passing from this life to the next. This include those who have significant variations from the “bright light” phenomenon. Also, those who do not float above their bodies or the operation room.

If these more rare experiencers are reporting more about a near death experience than the standard objectively exposed experiences, then what are some things that have a common thread that are outside of the bright white lights. Here are some subjective sensations of the near death experience or the “crossing over” experience:

1. A life review presents itself in a slow methodical way allowing the spirit-self time to prepare to sever itself from the body.

2. An understanding that there is a great presence of broad loving, accepting and peaceful emotions.

3. A lack of fear at any time during the experience.

4. Contact with an intelligent Source of thought.

5. The sensation of losing knowledge upon being pulled back from the death state.

Even within the subjective, the experiences change a great deal. In 90 Minutes to Heaven (Don Piper, 2006) the standard Biblical description of golden gates and buildings is held out to be the experience of the Christian. While, in Crossing Twice (Reece Manley, 2009) calls the experience as being linked together in all knowledge and love with all people. Manley did not distinguish between Christians and non-Christians in experiencing the joy, love and inclusion.

The study of the near death experience continues to lob questions. Do gays go to hell? Is there a hell? Are their gay near death experiences? Christian near death experiences? As more people become willing to speak of their experiences we will come to better understand the subjective experience of the near death experience.

Author's Bio: 

Reece Manley's Crossing Twice can be purchased at, or through any major bookseller.