A Quick Preamble:

Another “natural”, nutrient-rich liquid that the father of medicine, Hippocrates, used for treating and healing his patients as far back as 400 BC – or so..!

Apple Cider Vinegar, more commonly and more simply known as ACV, the “Magic Elixir” or Elixir Of Life that has been around and made good use of for many thousands of years…we know for a fact that the Romans, the Greeks and the ancient Egyptians used ACV to heal, to energise and to keep themselves strong and healthy in all ways.

Of course it isn’t really magic, but the result of organic apples going through a double fermentation process, thus producing and preserving a goodly amount of thoroughly natural and very necessary health-benefitting nutrients – with an added extra very special ingredient known as “Mother”.

Cutting To The Chase:

Mother of vinegar, or Mycoderma Aceti is the result of the combining effects of acetic acid and a cellulose that develops whilst fermentation is underway…it contains it’s own outstanding health-promoting nutrients and gut-friendly bacteria – critical for your overall health and pH balance…

…and you don’t have to rely on thousands of years of “hearsay” and “folklore”, there is plenty of scientific evidence documented and filed away for posterity as a result of trials and tests already carried out, and still ongoing, that verifies all that us supporters already know about ACV…mother nature has provided us with yet another product, packed with all the goodies our body needs.

Oh yeah, before i forget…you have to use the cloudy stuff, not the crispy clear type – the cloudy proves there’s “Mother”..!

Mother Natures’ Elixir Of Life contains:

♦ Magnesium – for your heart health

♦ Iron – for your blood health

♦ Potassium – for your heart, liver and kidneys

♦ Pectin – for assisting control of your blood pressure

♦ Calcium – for your teeth and bones

♦ Ash – for ensuring your body maintains a healthy alkaline/acid balance

♦ Vitamins – A, B C, E

♦ Anti-oxidants – lycopene, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, beta-carotene

…and much more…!

♦ One recent study showed that regular consumption of ACV significantly decreases the risk of cancer of the esophagus…

♦ Participants of a Japanese study undertaken over a twelve week period showed that regular consumption helped with weight-loss – the studied group ended up with a lower BMI and much less visceral fat than those who did not regularly consume ACV.

♦ Clinical trials showed that cancerous cells growing within the prostate were actually slowed.

…again, there’s much more..!

There is just a massive array – i mean literally a ton of uses, for ACV via drinking or using as a salve, a rub-on…BUT there is just one very simple rule…DILUTE..!

It is very acidic, so for a start it just wouldn’t taste too good and then you’d certainly feel it going all the way down…it’s always good practice to mix it with water i.e. if a specific remedy requires you to swallow 3 teaspoons of ACV, just mix it into a glass of water – for every individual treatment, it’s simply about the ACV to water ratio – easy to grasp with the right guidance and a little practice.

A couple of simple home remedies:


• ¼ cup of water• ¼ cup of ACV


Mix water and ACV – gargle 20-30 seconds – rinse with clean water – repeat until comfortable.

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• Cotton bud or clean finger• Teaspoon of ACV


Rub the teeth with the undiluted (this one of the few exceptions) ACV, then rinse – last thing before retiring to bed.

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• Bath of lukewarm water• 1 cup of ACV


Add the ACV to the bath water and soak for at least 10 minutes for relief.

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This is what NATURAL health and wellness is all about – this is the true essence of NATURAL..!

Why would anybody want to put inside their body anything which they cannot put ON it…on their skin..?…think about that..!

The poisons that we are not only consuming i.e. processed foods like sugar and GM foods like wheat, but also the ointments, deodorants and shampoos that we put on our bodies – not to mention the toxic household cleaners and polishes that we happily splash and rub on anything that doesn’t move – are destroying our health and the health of our loved ones.

It’s time to get back to NATURAL and Apple Vinegar Cider is one of the MOST natural substances that you can to incorporate into that natural way of doing things..!

Check out the load of other things ACV can be used for:

♦ Detox – helps to remove all those nasty toxins from the liver and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

♦ Heartburn – believe it or not…even though acidic itself, ACV helps to relieve reflux.

♦ Candida – due its’ naturally occurring enzymes, it will cure your gut of uncomfortable bloating and infections.

Weight Loss – a couple of teaspoons added to 14-16 ounces of water and then sipped during the day has shown to significantly increase overall fat loss .

♦ Aftershave – fill a small bottle with equal amounts of ACV and water and VOILA, a natural and invigorating aftershave balm.

♦ Hair – as a rinse…especially for the ladies…it’ll boost body and shine.

♦ Your Home – it can easily replace other chemically-based toxic products normally used for cleaning or air-freshening…including in the bathroom.

This really isn’t everything…when i say “Multi-Purpose” i mean “Multi-Purpose”…there is an almost endless array of things for which you can use one of mother natures’ greatest gifts – far too many to put into print here..!

A Final Anecdote:

The “man-made” food we are finding in our supermarkets and consuming these days is either heavily processed or genetically modified or it’s pumped full of nasty antibiotics, growth hormones or pesticides…but on the other hand “mother nature” can and actually does provide us with a lot better…

…and ACV is just one of the many “mother-nature-provided” natural bad-health prevention foods that you should definitely use – it isn’t expensive and it goes a long way…get it, use it and enjoy the health benefitting results.

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Here’s a great hit-the-nail-on-the-head poem i found to finish off this post – from Justapoet :

Apple Cider Vinegar, or ACV
A strange subject for a poem?
Well, maybe
But there is nothing oh so good for you
And about this I don’t jest
For a multitude of illnesses
It really is the best
For acne, it will clear it up
In about a month’s time
Don’t believe me?
You should have seen mine!
My back and chest were covered
The doctors didn’t know
I read about ACV and thought why not?
And gave it a good go
My skin is clear and healthy
I really have a glow
And thanks to drinking ACV
My acne does not show!!

What else? I hear you ask,
Its uses are so many
For aches and pains, diabetes, weight loss
You must try if you have any

I really do not kid you
Read up and have a thinkThe only problem with it
Is the taste (yuk) and the stink!

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Author's Bio: 

We're all about "Natural Health & Wellness for the mind, the body and the soul...

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Peter EC Kirwan