Everyone is hopping on the rewards credit card train these days. The truth is, these offers give consumers more than just about any other type of card on the market. With that said, when anything becomes popular, especially financial tools, consumers tend to have questions about it. This is very true when it comes to rewards cards. As the owner of a personal finance and credit card based website, I am often asked questions about rewards cards. Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions and the best answers that I can give to them.

Question #1: Are rewards really free or do consumers pay for them?

Answer: Well, that all depends on how the person decides to use the card. For instance if consumers rack up a ton of debt on their card and don't pay it off on a monthly basis, chances are, these consumers are going to find themselves paying tons of money in finance charges, the fee otherwise known as interest rates. Also, there will be other fees associated with financing a large amount of debt on credit cards over a long period of time. So, if you carry a balance, you will pay for your rewards. However, if you pay your balance off monthly, your rewards will be truly earned and in most cases, FREE!

Question #2: What makes rewards credit cards so special.

Answer: Another question that I am commonly asked is what makes these offers so special. The truth is, it's all in the name! Rewards cards offer consumers rewards for using them. Each time you make a purchase using your rewards credit card, you will earn points. Once you earn and accumulate enough points, you can redeem them for great rewards like free gift cards, cash back, air fare, car rental, hotel and tons of other redemption offers! Now I would say that this is indeed a very special type of credit card!

Question #3: Do rewards credit cards help to build credit?

Answer: Well, yes and no. Any credit card will help consumers to build their credit scores. However to qualify for rewards credit cards, in most cases, consumers will need to already have good credit scores. Therefore, if you are looking to build your credit scores, chances are, this isn't the card for you. In most cases, the best type of card for those who would like to build their credit score is called the secured credit card. These are specifically designed with the purpose of helping consumers to improve credit ratings!

I hope that I've answered any questions that you may have had on this topic. If you still have questions about rewards credit cards, please feel free to click one of the links in my bio!

Author's Bio: 

My name is Joshua Rodriguez. I am the owner and founder of a blog designed to answer one question, " What is the best credit card ?". This article was based on a recent article on my website. Read it here: Commonly Asked Rewards Credit Card Questions !