Commercialization of mhealth process is inevitable as this is the most crucial aspect to encourage organizations to embrace mobile healthcare services and to endorse the same. Whether it is the NGO, public sectors or profitable institutions it is important to understand the needs and requirements of these sectors in order to gain support from their energy and resource.
In the present genera of amalgamation of medical healthcare and mobile technology, the one aspect of utmost importance is the analysis of the types of value chain models of the mhealth. The technologists and economists have derived that there are 2 types of value chain models of mobile-health technology.
1.One-way Data Applications.
2.Two-Way Data Applications.
Let us now closely observe the above cases in specific.
Value Chain Model 1:
One way Data applications type refers to reinforce positive medical adherence to the patients and monitoring medical prescription given, through programs like SMS alerts, educative methodology via SMS communications etc. This value chain model enforces a question answer platform for transmitting and receiving group SMS alerts. Youth training programs with respect to HIV/AIDS awareness is another benefit to the mankind from this value chain model.
The key players involved in the one way data application model are:
1.Patients or the common people who are seeking improved health conditions of family and friends.
2.Health care professionals under constant pressure to enhance effective healthcare delivery systems.
3.NGOs and health care foundations that are responsible delivering advanced healthcare services to remote villages of underdeveloped and developing countries.
4.Government bodies to enable healthcare provisions to the citizens irrespective of the infrastructure.
5.Equipment providers involved in device revenue generation.
6.Service providers are the integral part of the mhealth leverage. These providers have to be equipped with subscriber base and must enhance the service fees for deploying seamless mhealth applications.
The above entities contribute to the value chain of the mhealth. And the partnerships between them influence the business interests. Apart from the business deals a concept of corporate social responsibility erupts and the cause would be mhealth technology mainly. When the key players are involved in the business loop and with a tint of corporate social responsibility will be a new enhanced mhealth value chain.
Value Chain Model 2:
This model relates to the complex service that can be offered via a two way data application method. This model depends on data access programs like remote monitoring, client record access and many such remote access programs. The services under these model only targets its appeal to the prospective partners like hardware manufacturers, Mobile app developers, and internet providers and likewise.
The second model clearly opens the gates for innovative health care solutions with a constant appeal to the former model to catch up with the deployment costs and execution costs.
Thus with this insight the technology professionals along with the general value chain participants, the era of having remote healthcare and monitoring systems can grow out from the infancy to become the mainstream channel in the hospital care. This shall result in scalable and sustainable health programs and initiatives supported by mobile technology. Mhealth has to be taken seriously as it carves the way for tremendous opportunities to empower and impact greatly on the global healthcare. This will reduce the death percentage by leaps and bounds especially in the remote villages and better health conditions.
Endeavour is a specialist mobility company and has been exclusively focused on mobile application development since 2002.