Do you want to rev up your calorie burn and have fun at the same time? Well exercise is one of the best natural metabolism boosters. But when you think of working out, you usually don't think of fun. Well time to think outside the box and the gym and start having fun sweating off calories and burning fat to lose weight.

There are many different types of routines you can do at home or the gym. Many of these require some hard work, and let's face, not so much fun. So if you are tired of the same old routine, try mixing it up and add some fun. Here are several ways to get fit and boost your fat burning furnace.

Metabolism Boosters the Fun Way #1Shake Your Booty.

Get up off the couch and onto the dance floor. Dancing exercise classes are one of the latest crazes and a great way to boost your calorie burn while having fun. Don't worry. You don't have to be the next “Dancing with the Stars” winner to burn calories and have fun. Even if you have two left feet you can enjoy this workout. Here are some popular classes you can try at a gym, at home with a DVD or even a dance class at your local community center.

1. Zumba – This fun dance class is a mix of Salsa, Merengue, and other Latin styles put to enticing music that makes you want to move and get fit with dancing while burning several hundred calories in just an hour. You will be twirling, kicking, and twisting your way to a healthy and skinnier you in no time.

2. Hip Hop choreography – Hip Hop may or may not be your kind of music, but this dance routine is certainly going to get you sweating and burning fat and calories. This one takes some practice to get the moves. It helps develop balance and a strong core for a lean body.

3. Ballroom dancing – Why not try some old school dance with some new school moves. This is not the same ballroom dancing your grandparents did back in the day. With some quicker moves, fancier spins and throws you will be having fun as you burn calories. So grab your partner and hit the ballroom floor for a fun way to boost your metabolism.

Metabolism Boosters the Fun Way #2Wii Want to Play

Perhaps dancing just isn't your thing or you want another fun way to rev up your fat burning furnace. Then try getting fit with Wii. Gaming has become interactive and physical. With Wii you can play tennis, bowling and even boxing. These games require you to get up and get moving.

This game has taken it even a step further and come out with their Wii Fit. This package includes all sorts of fun and interactive ways for you to burn fat and calories and boost your metabolism. Not only will you be burning calories but you will have fun doing it.

Metabolism Boosters the Fun Way #3Fun Activities and Hobbies

Many people have fun and exciting hobbies but they don't think of these as exercise . Yet these activities can burn many calories. All of these calories burned are for just 30 minutes.

1. Archery. Reach your weight loss "target" with archery. Just 30 minutes of shooting your arrow at the target can burn up to 129 calories.

2. Golf. Get out the clubs and get ready to burn some calories. 30 minutes with a cart can burn 115 calories. If you leave the cart at the club house, then you can burn 165 calories.

3. Rock Climbing. This fun activity will burn up to 248 calories in just 30 minutes. With this fun activity you can climb your way to fitness .

4. Softball. You know those family picnics where you always play a “friendly” game of softball? Well in just a half an hour you are burning up to 200 calories with this fun family activity. So go ahead and challenge your father-in-law to a game at your next family picnic.

You don't have to feel like you are getting a workout to burn calories and boost your metabolism. So next time you just are not up to going to the gym, try dancing, the Wii fit or your favorite fun activity. Here are even more metabolism boosters you can try to burn fat and calories and lose weight.

Author's Bio: 

Julie is the author and creator of Exercise 4 Weight Loss where you can find lots of tips, calculators, free fitness videos and more to help you lose weight today.