There is a lot of emotional and mental stress when an actual disaster happens. It can be really easy to lose all that composure and coolness when the world is falling apart and people are rioting on the streets or dying .

It is a whole different story when talking about a disaster as opposed to actually living through one. It is almost the same as playing a video game version of a sport and actually playing the sport. Part of it can only be speculated, and the other part of it has to actually be experienced.

Now, there is a lot that can be done by way of preparing for an actual disaster such as storing up emergency food and creating 72-hour kits, but simply put there is some preparation that is more mental than physical. There are a lot of factors that need to be considered.

First and foremost one of the greatest mental preparations for a disaster is actually having some physical items prepared. For example, if a parent knows that a family has enough food storage to make it through at least a year of being without resources, there will be a lot less mental stress.

The simple assurance of knowingly being prepared can do a whole lot to help the mind be at peace , especially in crunch time. This will also allow a parent to think more clearly in the midst of disaster.

One more mental preparation that can be done with a family , or even individually, is to have a particular plan of escape in the event of different types of emergencies. For example, in the case of an earthquake everyone will meet a particular location or likewise with a flood or tidal wave.

These types of preparations, although seemingly small, can make a huge difference in a time when it seems that the world is in chaos. It can help people focus on what to do next.

Much of these preparations is trying to anticipate what types of situations may arise so as to not be as thrown off when they do occur. This type of planning can make all the difference in a real disaster.

There may be no way to anticipate everything that can go wrong or every feeling and anxiety that will be experienced in a disaster, but the more prepared someone is, the better off they are. Again, this could mean the difference between survival and perishing.

Author's Bio: 

Cade Lennox is a safety and emergency preparedness expert. He has written hundreds of articles about food storage and other safety tips. He recommends Daily Bread food storage . You can find also Cade on Google+ .