If the money we spend on hair is any indication, then we can agree that it is among the most valued parts of our body. We spend a lot on hair products everyday, visit the salon regularly, and try out different styling techniques. Hair in other parts of our body gets shaved or waxed. In short, we love to do things with our hair. However, remember that anything we do with our hair today has some consequence, both good and bad, in the future.

Bad habits coupled with age, genes, and hormones can cause hair loss in the future. Your diet , your hair rituals, and even your lifestyle can have effects on the future of your hair, too. In the same way that taking care of your locks today will result in healthier hair in the coming years.

There have been a lot of medical researches and breakthroughs that seek to address hair concerns, particularly balding and hair loss. These advances like hair transplant and restoration are becoming more popular since two thirds of men suffer some degree of hair loss starting at age 35 mainly as a result of male pattern baldness. About 25% of them have gone to a hair restoration clinic to study their options. In the U.S. alone, 50 million men and 30 million women are affected by hair loss.

While baldness has a lot to do with age and genes, there are also things you do today that worsen the condition of your hair in the future. Let’s hit the fast forward button and see what your hair might be on the forthcoming years.

Truth about hair transplant

21 Reasons Why You're Losing Your Hair - Losing your hair? It may be an easy fix—like getting more or less of a vitamin—or trickier to treat. Read more...http://bit.ly/1hvvB7J ... Source: health.com / prevention.com

Photo courtesy of health.com

Hair restoration and transplant is a billion dollar industry. It should come as no surprise because nothing reminds a man of his age and mortality more than a receding hairline and a thinning crown. And don’t we just hate being reminded of how old we are? Hair loss affects not only the way you look but also confidence and sense of self. Hair transplant procedures seek to bring it back --- but please manage your expectations.

Leading hair restoration clinic NuHart Philippines shared a blog that spells the truth about hair restoration . The first thing you need to know about hair restoration is that it is an intricate process that requires a team of highly experienced surgeons. When finding out whether you qualify as a transplant candidate, the surgeon must be able to identify a donor strip where hair is abundant, often at the back of your head. Strips of hair will be removed from the strip and implanted to problem areas in a procedure that takes around 4 to 8 hours. The recovery stage takes at least six months and falling of transplanted hair is expected. The actual procedure is not supposed to be painful as there is anesthesia but minimal discomfort is normal. Scarring should be very minimal but you should expect tenderness and tightness along the suture line. A second procedure may be necessary.

Stem cell looks promising

There is no cure to hair loss yet. But ongoing studies and researches are coming up with experimental approaches to address the growing problem. The “hair-raising development” comes from the scientists working at the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute in California. Their study showed that stem cells derived from human skin can be used to grow hair . But hold it, the study was tested on mice.

Nevertheless, this is seen as an important development in the field of surgery. Current hair restoration methods require transplanting existing hair follicles from one part of the head to the problem area. Whereas, the experimental stem cell method “provides an unlimited source of cells from the patient and isn’t limited by the availability of existing hair follicles.” If this development can indeed work for humans, expect the transplant industry to undergo a radical change.

Goodbye baldness?

Bodyguard, Sunglasses, Costume, Porter, Bald, Man

Photo courtesy of Ben_Kerckx via pixabay.com

Scientists from the US and UK reported that we are a “ step closer ” to treating baldness. In their study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they started with a material taken from the base of a hair which they will use to grow many new hairs. In previous experiments, human tissue would just transform into skin and not grow a new hair. But in their new research, they found that clumping the cells together in what they call “3D spheroids” would result in new hairs. It’s still a long way to go especially when it comes to cosmetic requirements like same size or shape or color but these scientists are certain that baldness “will eventually be treatable.”

Think twice about shampoo

You have probably heard that less shampoo is better for your hair. Professional hairstylist Alli Webb agrees. For hair that’s normal in terms of oiliness and medium weight, Webb tells his clients to “go as long as they can without shampooing.”

You should know how shampoo works so that you can have an idea on the future of your hair. According to Angela Lamb, assistant professor of dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, shampoo traps oil and doing it frequently may cause your hair to dry out and break. Oil and dirt are not something you must obsess with, says Lamb. In fact, some dirt is okay and natural while oil is of course something that your hair needs. So the question is: should you shampoo daily? Experts agree that only a small group needs to shampoo daily --- those with very fine hair, oily scalp, who sweat a lot, and live in a humid place.

Pretty but damaged

Beauty, Brunette, Cute, Equipment, Fashion, Female

Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures via pixabay.com

So what’s your thing for today? Curly, straight, or just bouncy? Before you decide, you should know that when you are not using the blow dryer or the curling iron right, your hair is in for a great deal of damage. Tim Rogers, creative director of Living Proof, said that blow drying is what’s really most damaging to the hair. His two tips: do rough drying after shower and keep the nozzle facing downwards the whole time or your hair will freeze.

When it comes to a curling or straightening iron, don’t crank up the temperature too high. For fine hair and color-treated hair, stay in the safe zone of 300 to 350 degrees. And don’t just randomly grab fistfuls of hair or you would just unnecessarily re-apply heat. Be sure to section.

Author's Bio: 

Anna Rodriguez is a manager and a passionate writer. She also has varied background in real estate brokerage, investing, online marketing and social media management. She owns  Homey Guide Blog . Follow her at  @annrodriguez021