Some medical conditions cannot be delayed just because of COVID-19, they should perform in a highly organised and preventive manner. There are various protocols to prevent the virus from the spread to patients as well as healthcare workers.
Wear surgical masks, gloves and face shields
Eye care examiner should wear a surgical mask, face shields and gloves during close procedures. The glove must be changed or disinfected after every eye examination.The patient should not allow entering in the hospital without wearing a mask.

Proper equipment sanitizationAll the equipment involved in procedures should be disinfected with alcohol after every eye examination.Disposable and single-use instruments are encouraged to use in the surgeries.

Promote e-paymentsAvoid cash payment as it increases the risk of virus spread. Encourage the use of the online mode of bill payment to reduce the possibility of transmission.

Limit patient time in the officeHealthcare professional should allow only one patient at a time for examination. Avoid attendant to visit in office during the examination.Improving the waiting system outside the office is necessary to manage the less contact time of patient to the hospital premises. Provide alternate seats to patients to maintain social distancing

Keep appointment briefQuick vision test time is appreciated to minimize contact time with the patient. Check temperature and provide hand sanitiser to the patient before starting the examination.

Focus on essential careThe Non-essential examinations may be put on hold for the future. Only emergency cases should allow for examination.

The eyes of patients should be cleaned with betadine solution before surgery.
Proper disposal of used Personal protective equipment kits and masks is essential.Topical povidone-iodine should be used before the surgery. It is very effective against coronavirus.
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