Get rid of unwanted head lice with Linicin head lice treatmentsHead lice are tiny wingless insects that are grey-brown in colour. They are the size of a pinhead when they hatch and 3mm long (the size of a sesame seed) when fully grown. Head lice cannot fly, jump or swim. Head lice are spread by head-to-head contact and climb from the hair of an infected person to the hair of someone else.

A female head louse lays eggs by cementing them to hairs (often close to the root) where they will be kept warm by the scalp. The eggs are pinhead size and difficult to see. When the baby lice hatch seven to ten days later, the empty eggshells (nits) remain glued in place. Nits glisten white and become more noticeable as the growth of the hair carries them away from the scalp. Head lice feed by biting the scalp and sucking blood through it. They take six to ten days to become fully grown. Once mature, a head louse can transfer from head to head.

After mating, a female may start to lay eggs as early as the seventh day after she has hatched. So to break the life cycle and stop head lice spreading, they need to be removed from the head before the sixth day after hatching.

Children are the most commonly affected by head lice, although anyone with hair can catch them. Children are often affected by head lice because they tend to have more head-to-head contact while at school or during play.

Head lice can be effectively treated using medicated lotions or by wet combing, using a specially designed head lice comb. The Linicin range, available online at , gives you everything you need to get rid of head lice and keep them away. The Linicin range includes a simple 15 minute head lice lotion that kills the lice and their larvae, and prevents the development of their eggs too. Alternatively, there’s a shampoo that is effective in a quick 10 minute head lice treatment. Plus, there’s a preventer spray which can stop you or your child from getting head lice in the first place.

Linicin 15 min Lotion contains 99% dimethicone, which blocks the lice's uptake of oxygen, thus suffocating them. This form of treatment means that the lice cannot build up any resistance to the product, unlike insecticidal treatments. Linicin 15 min Lotion is also suitable for the whole family and can be used on children from the age of 6 months, as well as by mothers during pregnancy and when breastfeeding. Linicin Shampoo 10 min is an efficient, non-toxic and mild shampoo that eliminates head lice and impedes the development of nits. It is colourless with a neutral scent and can be used in adults and children from the age of two. 

Linicin Shampoo 10 min is easy to use, works within 10 minutes and is rinsed out using lukewarm water only. Treatment needs to be repeated after 9-10 days. Linicin Prevent Spray is a head louse repellent, that prevents head lice infestation in an effective and safe way. It makes your hair 'invisible' to lice. Linicin Prevent Spray can be used on adults and children from the age of two. Linicin Prevent Spray is non-toxic and does not contain any insecticides so is safe to use every day during high risk periods. The spray is mild and colourless with a neutral scent; simply spray onto dry hair, no need to rinse out.

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Let your child be free from head lice by giving them healing head lice treatment which includes the very useful head Head lice lotion treatment.