When I was younger my Grandmother had these amazing plaques all over the walls in her hallway, basement and bathroom. They were always full of cute little one line quotes or sayings that were either funny or inspirational in some way. She also had tons of nick-knacks and cute pictures of things like lions, tigers and children wrapped up in toilet paper rolls having what seemed to be the greatest time. I suppose all of them were meant to entertain in some way while you were otherwise pre-occupied with toileting or just plain bored. Knowing grandma the way I do, there was a reason behind each and everyone of them. Whenever I would visit Grandma I would spend hours reading these quotations and they always made me feel good inside. As I grew up, I found myself always buying things just like Grandma had. I would often buy nick-knacks and quotes and I had an incredible love of cute pictures. One of my most prized possessions I bought at a garage sale. They were three foot long pictures inscribed with over a hundred quotes entitled simply life's little instructions. They hang in my bathroom and I have often had people comment on them. It seems to give them some sort of inspiration . I thought I would share my favorite of these quotes with you!
Taken from Life's Little Instructions series one:

-Watch a sunrise at least once a year.
-Plant a tree on your birthday and watch it grow every year.
-Return borrowed vehicles with the gas tank full.
-Compliment three people everyday.
-Leave everything better than you found it.
-Keep it Simple.
-Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures.
-Become the most positive person you know.
-Over-tip people
-Never be afraid to say "I do not know" or "I made a mistake"
-Forgive yourself first
-Enjoy fine things like wine and relaxation
-Buy whatever kids sell at tables in their yards even if you do not need it.
-Tell your family you love them everyday
-Wake up everyday and say "Today is my day!"

Every time I read "life lessons" it reminds me to take a moment out of my life and think about where I am both in my mental and personal growth . I am also reminded to be the best person that I can be and I hope this has inspired you to do the same.

Life is short make it positive!

Author's Bio: 

Seek Success is a website dedicated to reviewing self help products. We have all kinds of reviews such as the Rapid Weight loss product known as Cheat Your Way Thin Review and other reviews on topics like relationships, health and personal well being. We hope this article inspired you to visit us!