Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

This week, Brenda channeled on her “Creation Energies” radio show (blogtalkradio.com) how reviewing your perceptions of personal and world events will change the Universes…and shift your being from fear of chaos to peace .

On Saturday April 2nd at 1 pm, Brenda and her friends and co-channelers, Beverly J. and Rick Thompson will hold a live, open channeling session at the Greenville, SC Festival of Healing and Spiritual Awareness Conference. For more information, e-mail Brenda at Life Tapestry Creations@gmail.com or Beverly at www.thegatheringofangels.com .

Dear Ones,

Let us dance! Let us jump into the street in all of our joy and shout to the Universe – “We are ready! We do not need lessons, gurus or to move this way or that. We are READY!”

Many of you reading these materials find this humorous because you are reading these materials to glean more information about what is happening to you and your world. Ah. That is the rub! You do not need to read any materials for all the information you need to move into the New Age is deeply imbedded in your DNA, your cellular structure.

Our role is to help you remember what you already know. In a sense, we are helping you review the materials you learned in all of your lifetimes and transitions. Some of you feel you cannot remember what you need to remember to make your personal shift into the New Age . We beg to differ.

The New Age has arrived. All of you reading these materials helped bring that transition about. You could not have done so if you had not known the steps and requirements necessary.

But now that you are moving into your personal transition, you are fearful that you will not be able to move across the New Age bridge…or maybe even approach the bridge. That even though you were fully capable of altering the Universes by creating the New Age, you, as an individual, cannot move yourself into the New Age.

We most definitely beg to differ. Creating the New Age was a much larger venture than is true for your personal transition. Not only did you need to ignite your DNA, but you needed to combine your abilities with enough like-minded people to introduce the New Age.

You have already created the biggest element – it is time for you to adjust your being to fit within that element.

The New Age is here. You helped create it. Now you have to allow yourself to live in the New Age. You can do so by revising your belief patterns – most notably moving from pain and fear to joy. But your patterns of fear and pain are so deeply ingrained that you have opted to use crib sheets along the way in the form of the writings and channelings of others – including Brenda

Are her messages necessary? No. You can move into the New Age of joy and peace without assistance. All you need to do so is to maintain belief in your creative skills and the reality of the New Age.

But since most of you, including Brenda, need reminding of your new skills and direction for a while until it is part of your everyday belief pattern and thereby, actions, we and other entities will continue to reinforce your new lessons.

Please understand that you are not a slow learner. This New Age is a tough course for most of you because of the many layers you have created to hide who you truly are.

You want to move into joy. You are truly ready for peace . And your creative skills are itching to create a new life for you – but you do not yet believe that you have the capabilities to do so. That is our role and the role of all of those whose messages ring true within your being. We are here to remind you that you were courageous enough to create the New Age and you are already fully capable of living in it in joy and peace.

Of course, there is chaos in the world – perhaps, even in your life. Change always creates chaos. Remember how frightening and chaotic your first day of school or college was? Change means moving in a different direction with new actions and reactions – which at first seem chaotic.

Such is now happening on the earth…and throughout the Universes. But just as was true after your first few days of school, you will soon feel comfortable in your new world. Even though there might be days when you wish to stay home with your mother or friend – as you might have the first day of school – that need to return to your old world of pain and trauma will lesson with time, as will the corresponding chaos.

Know that you are in a new school. One that teaches you how to live in joy. Is that not a reason to dance, laugh and play? Pain and trauma are fading rapidly – and joy is taking their place. A bit like completing those required courses in college that finally allowed you to immerse yourself in your field of interest – classes that felt like cotton candy and a sunny summer day.

Let us dance. If not today, then tomorrow…or whenever you allow your beliefs to move from pain and fear to joy. Life on earth is good and it is getting better. So be it. Amen.

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Author's Bio: 

Brenda Hoffman is an internationally noted author, prophet and channeler. Her most quoted book is the channeled classic, "A Glimpse of Your Future." Prior to her recent retirement to South Carolina, Brenda held positions in corporate marketing, business management and social services. She has a Master of Science degree in Sociology.

Since retirement, Brenda has returned to sharing her prophetic insights with others via her free, weekly channeled blog for Life Tapestry Creations.com and free, weekly 15-minute radio show "Creation Energies" on blogtalkradio.com. Her book, "A Glimpse of Your Future" can be purchased from Amazon.com or Life Tapestry Creations.com