The Power of Lasuna from Himalaya

Lasuna from Himalaya Herbals is one of the most effective remedies of all the time. Himalaya Herbals is a range of 100% natural and safe products. Each product combines the best of Ayurveda .

Lasuna or Garlic is a common remedial herb with the botanical name as “Allium sativum”. Garlic is also known as recompile, ajo, stinking rose, rustic treacle, nectar of the gods, camphor of the poor, poor man's treacle, and clove garlic.

Benefits of Herbal Lasuna: A single Capsule of garlic twice a day, keep diseases away

For Cough and Throat Infections

  • Garlic is an effective herbal medicine to treat Coughs and other Throat infection.
  • Garlic is an antibiotic herb. Its main area of utilize in the treatment of infectious disease is in the throat and lungs and the digestive tract.
  • The antiseptic oil present in garlic is also extremely helpful in treating any form of flu or colds, from a mild head cold to pneumonia.
  • Garlic also loosens mucus, encouraging it to be brought up from the throat, lungs and nose, improving dry, unproductive coughs and tightness in the chest.
  • It helps in controlling chronic cough and is an effective or valuable product for treatment of asthma.

For bacterial Infections

  • A garlic tablet from Himalaya Herbal helps in fighting against various infections & acts against Bacterial Infection.
  • It is a powerful natural antibiotic, albeit broad-spectrum rather than targeted.
  • It has a powerful antioxidant effect. Antioxidants can help to protect the body against damaging free radicals.
  • Powerful sulfur compounds in garlic kills an amazing assortment of bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold, parasites and worms, frequently on contact.

For Blood cholesterol

  • Lasuna is consumed in its original form to reduce Blood Cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • Garlic not only helps reduce cholesterol and fatty deposits in the arteries and veins, but also lowers blood pressure and thins blood to help lessen the chances of clotting.
  • It supports normal serum cholesterol levels.

Some other Benefits of Lasuna from Himalaya Herbals:

  • Lasuna from Himalaya herbals is the best alternative medicine that prevents stomach cancer and helps reduce the size of tumors.
  • It fights against infections and bacteria thereby curing warts and other skin disorders effectively.
  • It helps regulate blood sugar levels by increasing the release of insulin in diabetics.
  • It has anti-viral and anti-allergic properties.
  • It supports normal cardiovascular function.
  • It supports normal blood platelet function.
  • It supports normal blood sugar levels.
  • It supports the body's immune system from bacterial and fungal infections.
  • It has various benefits that promote overall well-being.


It is advised to take one capsule twice a day after meals.

Note:It is recommended only at the age of 14 years and above. (Since the product is in capsule form, some children below 14 years may have difficulty to swallow.)

Side Effects:

No major side effects have been reported in medical journals.

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About Onlineherbs:

OnlineHerbs is an online mail order herbal pharmacy, providing natural herbal remedies and natural herbal cures for healing various diseases.

Lasuna from Himalaya has medicinal properties extremely useful to reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, cough and throat irritation.