Is your hair thinning? Has it lost it's girth, let alone it's colour? Has something in your biological system shut down and your locks are missing in action? Maybe you don't know why your hair is disappearing. Maybe it's stress. Actually it's a little known fact that as we age, yes even women, can lose the quality and thickness of our hair.

Brainwave entrainment might just be the ticket to jumpstart the production of the hormone needed to facilitate successful hair growth. If it's not a hormone problem, then entrainment can reduce stress and encourage the growth of healthy, thick hair in that capacity.

Why Are You Losing Your Hair, Anyway?

If you are on birth control, you may have hair loss issues. You can have hair loss at a very young age when taking birth control pills. The hair will usually come back after 6 months of not taking them anymore...but then you might be pregnant by then.
Being pregnant. You may experience a major shift in hormones when pregnant that will affect how thick your hair is.
Thyroid disease. If you have an overactive or underactive thyroid, it can cause hair loss.
You've been on a really stringent detox diet . Deficiencies in your diet will and does affect the girth of your hair.
Dieting in general can cause you to lose your hair. Extreme shifts in protein consumption will cause you to shed your hair.
Certain medications that treat anxiety and depression , or blood pressure, may cause temporary hair shedding. This is the side-effect of the drug involved.
Iron deficiency can cause hair loss. If you have a heavy or frequent menstrual period, your blood may become low in iron and your hair will be affected.
Stress, a big one, will cause hair loss. You'll usually see the effects of having a large, stressful event, in your hair about three months after the fact. Stress can trigger androgenic hair loss.
Angrogenic hair loss is caused from genetics and hormone deficiency.
Stress - Stress is an interesting factor in hair loss for some. A constant stream of stress can cause hair loss.
A poor functioning pituitary gland will leave hair on your shirt.
Brainwave entrainment promotes hair growth by stimulating the pituitary gland to release growth hormones that will nourish hair follicles and the skin on the scalp.

Signs Of A Malfunctioning Pituitary Gland

loss of hair.
loss of muscle mass.
you're gaining weight.
you're tired all the time, no matter how much you sleep.
your immune system is down and you get sick often.
Being a woman in our society is tough enough without having to struggle with the loss or thinning of hair. Yes, we can wear a wig but what happens when it's hot out--and it gets itchy--and everyone knows it's a wig so what's the point.

You start feeling like everyone is looking at you so you stay home. Scarves never stay in one place and make you feel like a baba.

Thick hair is a sign of youth.

No one wants to feel or look old. Let's face it, it's a competitive world when it comes to romance, relationships, jobs etc and looking young represents vitality. Loss of hair does not denote youth.

Brainwave entrainment can restart the pituitary gland, promote healthy hair follicle growth, and remove a whole lot of stress quickly and effectively.

Using brain wave entrainment is easy and fast and can change your

Author's Bio: 

Wanina Petlock works in the medical field, specializing in end of life care. She is a reiki master and a birth and death doula, and is very acquainted with energy work, both present and distance. Over twenty years ago, Wanina started using a clinically proven audio technology called brainwave entrainment to help her meditate because she didn't have the time to devote to a rigourous practice. She has investigated all the different applications for this powerful therapy and found it easy, fast, and effective . Brainwave entrainment has been scientifically proven to be one of the better therapies for panic anxiety disorder, substance abuse, ulcers, colitis, chronic pain, psoriasis, hypertension, prevention of heart attack, prevention of hardening of the arteries, arthritis, fibromyalgia, cancer, insomnia, migraine, the prevention of stroke, allergies, asthma, Parkinson's disease, fatigue, chronic pain, and multiple sclerosis. It has also been found to expand your state of consciousness and awaken latent psychic abilities. You can benefit from brainwave entrainment by clicking on .