Baby names are very important. In naming, parents must think hard and choose the best, taking into account that the name you are saddling your child with will be for life.

Remember that our child’s name is very special. To avoid being subjected to a lifetime of sniggers, we, as parents, must think long and hard to choose the most appropriate, presentable and “unteasable” name you can find. Some parents and parents-to-be even believe that a child’s name contributes to her success in life.

Naming a baby isn't always as easy as just picking out a name at random from a list of names. Many couples even spend hours running through lists, shortlists and definite-no-no lists of baby names. Many couples even turn to a parenting blog and read through parenting tips and parenting advice about picking out names in the hope that they will be guided and be able to choose the best.

In choosing your baby’s name, there are many practical parenting naming factors to consider.

Popularity of a Baby Name. For some parents, popularity is an important factor. There are some parents who find popular baby names contemporary and comfortable. There are also others who want to stay away from overly popular names because they want their child's name to be somewhat unique and set apart. So, if you want to learn how more or less popular your chosen baby’s name is, you can look through recent popularity charts. You can start by looking at the Social Security Administration's Popular Baby Name list. It gives each uniquely spelled name its own rank position on the chart.

Meaning behind the name. There are many nearly-mums and future dads who often consider important the meaning behind a name. Whether it's a special personal meaning: the name of a loved one or a significant link to the past: or semantic: hidden in the name's origins, many parents feel happier giving their children names which 'mean something'.

Current Baby Name Trends. Aside from popularity, some parents choose names which are currently in trend. If this is the case for you, you may want to familiarize yourself with current baby naming trends. You can browse through what trends seem to have caught on in current pop-culture, decide which trends you love and which you dislike. These trends might help point you in the right direction of how to choose a baby name.

Parent’s Favorite. Many parents and parents-to-be choose baby names because they just liked how it sounds. Of course there's nothing wrong with giving your baby a name that you just happen to like, unless it's going to cause him psychological damage. So, in which case, maybe try it out on your dog first.

Parent’s Cultures. There are parents who are from different cultures. If this is the case, , it's worth trying to merge the two different cultural backgrounds as it can help to give your child a sense of both sides of his or her roots, too. You may be able to compromise by choosing a first name from one culture and a middle name from the other or choose a name that has an equivalent for your culture or vice versa.

Family Traditions. You can consider looking through your family tree to get some baby name ideas. You can ask your family for help. You can choose a name close to you or see a recurring pattern in family names like all names begin with the same letter. Whether it’s either of the two, you may want to build on the heritage of your family.

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For more parenting advice and tips, please visit Parenting Blog . Updated regularly, we serve as a guide for parents besieged by the troubles of parenthood.