Karma or Bhakti is doing activities without any expectation of reward and surrendering their results to God. It is the highest form of spirituality.
There are three types of activities: dharma, vaidika and laukika karma. Dharma includes the prescribed duties like Sandhyavandana, Tarpana etc.; nitya karma - those done daily for the fulfilment of desires; and kamya karma – those done on special occasions like birth of a child, death of a relative.
Devotion is the path to connecting with God through action. A karma yogi does things in devotion, and the goal of his actions is not to get punya or even samsara (earthly pleasure) but to be united with God in the spiritual world called Vaikuntha, where there are pure, spiritual planets.
There is a lot of activity that can be done in devotion, including chanting, singing, reading scriptures, and so on. It is not always easy to feel devotion, but if you continue with this practice, you will become more and more aware of the Divinity residing in your inner heart.
Eventually, your life will be so filled with love for God that you will no longer need anything else, and this will bring you peace . But, until that time comes, keep making the effort to offer your actions to God in devotion, so that He will give you His blessings and help you on your spiritual journey.
Karma Yoga acknowledges and works with human nature by directing its natural emotions towards a love for God. It uses seva or service as a tool to achieve this.
The key is that this service must be selfless; it must come from a place outside of the ego. It must be about helping others and creating a better world. A true karma yogi does this with tolerance and patience, and with joy. They realize that their real destination is not on this planet (which Hindus believe to be gross, material energy), but in the spiritual abode of Vaikuntha (a series of entirely spiritual planets). This realization gives them great karmic reward when they perform their duty. By adding bhakti to their work, they enliven it. The result is a life of meaning and purpose. It’s like taking a boring meal and putting ketchup on it; the meal becomes enlivened and delicious. It’s the same with our good deeds.
Many people think that bhakti is about being emotional and passionate but it goes deeper than just emotions. It is about a love for God, which surpasses anything in the material world. It is a love of service, compassion and self-sacrifice. The sages like Mirabai, Kabir and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu have taught us about this higher love and the glories of devotion to God.
This bhakti removes jealousy, hatred and lust. It replaces them with feelings of joy, divine ecstasy and peace . This bhakti also merges you back into the one infinite God beyond all creation. It doesn’t matter what religion you are, if your devotion is to Krishna, Allah, Jesus or any other God; it’s all the same. However, it’s important to understand that lower forms of bhakti can degenerate into fanaticism. This is the main reason why jnanis look down upon bhakti as an instrument but not the goal. Nevertheless, there is no need to avoid it completely.
Meditation is a mental exercise that helps you focus on the present moment and calm your mind. You can practice a number of different styles, including mindfulness, which focuses on your breath and surroundings; samatha, or calm abiding; and vipassana, or insight. Many studies have shown that people who meditate regularly experience positive changes in the brain, such as thicker brain tissue or increased connections between neurons.
Bhakti is a path of love that removes jealousy, hatred, and lust and brings you joy, divine ecstasy, peace , and wisdom . This can lead to Nirvikalpa samadhi, or complete absorption in the Absolute.
Practicing bhakti can include singing devotional songs in a group or by yourself; performing physical worship of an image or representation of the Divine, such as burning candles and offering flowers; and mentally worshipping through chanting or repeating action words in your head such as "lifting," "moving," and "placing." Mother Teresa and Gandhi are both famous examples of karma yoga , or selfless service, that is rooted in bhakti.

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