Having worked on myself diligently for over 25 years, I was surprised when The Ascended Masters told me that on occasion I still judged others. We fool ourselves by thinking we are completely free of judgment. Yet when we come up against something that society fears we encounter the truth, that judgment comes from deep scaring and unconscious beliefs.

When we are awake enough to recognize judgment in ourselves it is also revealed in others around us. Recently, my oldest son (almost 30 years my junior) and I were driving from Dallas Fort Worth, Texas to Boulder, Colorado. My guidance was to head north and get as far as we could. We pushed northward, even though a huge blizzard was predicted right in our path. After driving for six hours we had to stop for the night as the roads were beginning to ice. We resumed our road trip the following morning, checking out of our hotel in Kansas and making our way to the highway, I suggested that we re-fuel before getting on the highway. My son would have headed northward without the stop, anxious to return home. I trusted my guidance. Once again, I was rewarded. My debit card would not work outside at the pump, so I was forced to go inside to pay for our fuel. Once inside, I recognized our house-keeper from the hotel and I spoke to her as she was leaving. She informed me that hotel management sent her home as the roads all around were closed and more snow was coming. I asked her if our route was open and she said all roads eighteen miles north of where we were had been closed due to icing and packed snow.

[caption id="attachment_453" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Mother and sons"] Jennifer and her sons [/caption]

We checked back into the hotel and I noticed the women behind the counter eye-balling me standing at the desk with my son. I laughed and said people often think he is my "boy toy." The hotel manager seemed a little embarrassed that I noticed what she had been thinking. We walked away from the desk discussing all the times that people had judged us for being together. To think that a mother and son could not have dinner together in a nice restaurant without being judged shows how sick our society really is.

Two years ago my son and his girlfriend, at the time, had a still birth. At 7 and one half months gestation, their baby was no more. Adam had been having a really tough time dealing with the loss of his first-born son. I met him for dinner one evening in North Georgia, to give him some moral support. Two people reacted very negatively at the Longhorn Steak House in Woodstock, Georgia. Two Christian couples were dining at a table next to us. I saw anger in one of the men's faces as he watched my son and I. He whispered to his wife and made a disgusted face. Throughout our dinner I saw him lower his voice and drop his head, so he would not be heard. During the course of our dinner he made at least half a dozen comments to his friends and wife while he watched us. They looked at me with disgust for "being with" someone so much younger than myself. We talked about this as it occurred. By the end of our dinner I had to go by their table to speak to them. My son asked me to let it go. However, I felt the need to clarify. When I walked to their table the man shifted nervously in his seat. I expressed sadness that their looks and comments about us during the course of our meal, interfered with our conversation and ability to enjoy our meal and visit. He denied that he had been commenting on my son and I. His wife stood up for him. Strangely the same man who was judging my son and I, began to abuse his wife verbally while she attempted to continue to lie for her husband. I felt the need to let them know their eyes were lying to them. I said I wished my son and I could have been left to have our dinner in peace without their disgusted looks and judgment. They all looked surprised and tried to deny that they had made comments about us. Adam mentioned to me later that when he went places with his brother, David, he was often judged for being "gay" by people who saw the two of them together. Yet both my sons are heterosexual.

I have found that people who claim to be Christians are the most judgmental. It is not okay with them to be gay, different from them, date people of another race, or even people who are considerably younger. Why is it that Bible thumpers are the first to point their finger at others? When Jesus clearly said, "Judge not lest ye be judged!" Similarly, "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone." Everyone fits into the latter category. None of us are perfect, therefore none of us should judge another .


When we find others to be different we are often in fear of these differences. Our egos make up stories all the time. Egos are like the rudder of a ship, which guides the boat, however, it is not the steering wheel. This was brought home to me recently when I met a homeless man. I have had an interest in homeless people for most of my life. Most likely I have been homeless several lifetimes. I remember in several incarnations dying on the streets of London and France outside of a castle after being cast out of the King's bed. I have experienced being on the precipice of homelessness several times in this incarnation as well. My first thoughts about homelessness is that of interest. I wondered what events led people to become homeless in the first place? I knew that often times people who lived on the street were very intelligent and even well educated. The next belief that came up was that many were alcoholics or raving lunatics, wild-eyed and crazy. Some were from affluent homes and high society families . What I did not expect was that I would find a homeless man, who was completely enlightened, educated, artistic, sane and intelligent. My guides were gently showing me my own judgment that needed to be illuminated. Shining the light of The Divine on our shadow material (issues) allows us to release them. Being aware of what is present is paramount. Once we become aware of something it cannot remain the same, change will occur in spite of you.

Accepting others as they are without judgment is key to being able to give and receive love unconditionally. When John Lennon said, "All you need is love" it sounded so simple, yet it is very profound. Love is the key. Loving others without judgement is REAL LOVE . I find it interesting that most adults judge before they know the truth. Judgment comes from making stories up in our own heads about what we see with our eyes. Recognizing our weaknesses and faults, loving ourselves as we are is unconditional love. When I saw the judgment in myself, I forgave myself for it. If I continued to beat myself up with negative thoughts and guilt, I would not be growing, but composting. Sitting in the dark, with decaying thoughts is composting. Good for leafy green material, but not thoughts.

Any time we look at others with commentary in our heads we are judging. When we begin to see others as part of us, we are no longer creating separation. We area all brothers and sisters. Connected through God. When we make a comment about another, we also make the comment about ourselves. When we hurt another, we are hurting ourselves. Remember we are all in this together. God Bless my friend, Joanne Butler for reminding us of this fact constantly. We love you Joanne!

Author's Bio: 

Jennifer Elizabeth Masters is a relationship and dating life coach. She has travelled to India and Bali to study with Masters and gurus. Her focus is The Akashic Records and The Ascended Masters.

Her sessions contain an energetic healing that is transmitted either through her book or speaking with her over the phone in session. Her expertise is in assisting people to become empowered and self-actualized. Enlightened herself, she uses her gifts to find their purpose and their inner gifts.

Her sessions are powerful, direct yet compassionate. She offers spiritual workshops in places such as Bali, and Boulder Colorado.