Let’s face it–if we are stressed about work, we are also stressed in all areas of our life. Unless we change what we are holding in mind, we will continue to experience stress. Stress is an unnecessary choice that we are fueling by holding the wrong things in mind.

Job stress comes in many forms that include things such as: Insufficient resources, insufficient knowledge, low self-esteem , poor or reduced job performance, technology, economic factors, health factors, too much worry, fear, non-delegation, working excessive hours, low social presence or involvement, over indulging (in such things as food, tobacco, or other negative factors), the opposite would include skipping meals or breaks, lack or difficulty sleeping, burnout, avoidance or procrastination, unrealistic deadlines, and personality conflicts, and the list goes on and on.

Each negative consideration is reflective of unrealistic expectations of our self or others. Feeling overwhelmed is never helpful in reducing stress or being effective. Trying to figure out what to do is also looking for answers where they aren’t. In order to feel better, in charge and less overwhelmed requires changing what we are holding in mind. We have to consciously begin to shift our awareness away from ‘I can’t…’ and switch to “I can!” By approaching things in a more positive manner allows us to see opportunities that include: asking for help, bringing on more staff, delegating tasks to team members, appointing or recommending capable team members to attend committee functions, or perhaps reviewing our own participation in extracurricular activities and electing to decline or suspend participation.

It may be necessary to make it a point to learn new technology or also make other changes to be able to better manage technology related tasks. Realistically technology offers us many opportunities of multi-tasking; it also creates time constraints with excessive emails, industry, job-related or association subscriptions, social networks, voice mail, presentations, and other aspects of doing our job on a daily basis which becomes even more encumbered if our role includes traveling.

Our role as an employee or employer is to be helpful to the organization, clients, colleagues, vendors, projects, and the community. If we can begin to make small changes in how we perceive our quantity of time, we may be able to work smarter and reduce stress. Working smarter involves shifting our awareness into having more time available to accomplish what is on our to-do lists. Utilizing resources in a better way includes working with colleagues in a trusting manner and addressing the objectives necessary to do tasks efficiently. Helping staff members grow and excel within their job parameters allows them to also gain knowledge, develop leadership skills , and be able to contribute in a bigger way. It also allows for others to get involved and be able to work on upcoming and enjoyable projects. Being supportive of team members and sharing appreciation is a wonderful way to focus on being positive. Sharing the workload is an excellent way to create a win-win outcome for yourself and others.

Perhaps the most important factor in reducing stress is to begin to make better choices. The practice of being positive more of the time is truly a timesaver. If we are holding in mind things are difficult, we are creating more of what we don’t like. We have to shift our awareness into seeing goodness in our current situation which at times can be difficult or awkward to find.

Everyone deals with stress in their working environments. Just as we aren’t mind readers, neither are our colleagues who may also be dealing with similar stressors. Asking for help or requesting additional resources is a necessary element of being successful. If you need more staff, be considerate of your department needs. Take a few minutes and list out objectives and priorities. Being flexible and willing to work with the appropriate management representatives creates a much better working environment for everyone. If you are considering adding new staff members, also be considerate of what the person or persons would need in order for them to acclimate into their new roles. If we overwhelm new employees by overburdening them in a similar manner that we are feeling, we are creating even more stress for our self, our department, and our new team members.

Employees at all levels deserve to be treated in a respectful manner which includes taking breaks and leaving the job at a reasonable time. All businesses have busy times or busy periods, during these times it is helpful to plan ahead. Perhaps utilizing part-time or seasonal help will prevent you or members of your staff from becoming overwhelmed or worse–quitting. Overworking creates more stress, and will eventually lead to resentment which never helps anyone. If we or members of our staff or department are performing in an apathetic manner, this approach is an unproductive and an invalid way of managing business endeavors. Realistically we all wish to do a good job; although keep in mind that workaholic personalities can only do so much. If we are holding in mind feeling stuck or there is nothing we can do, we are creating a no-win outcome.

Feeling better about your job is a choice that needs to be nurtured on a daily basis if you wish to continue working in your current environment. Choosing to have a peaceful resolution with our current employment situation begins by going within and examining our own thinking. We may even consider venturing into another position or line of work. It is recommended to take corrective action sooner than at a later time.

Change is awkward for most people. Stress makes our lives even more awkward. By making better decisions allows for us to create positive improvements for our life. As we improve our attitude , conditions within our working environments will begin to change. By looking at what’s good in every situation allows for more goodness to appear. It is helpful to let go of struggling or perceiving no one can help you. Holding in mind that everything works out peacefully is a much better reality than complaining. Seeing things in a positive manner is the most important consideration available to you. Life is a decision!

Author's Bio: 

Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.

The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide.

The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson. http://www.releasetechnique.com