IVF or in-vitro fertilization is now no longer a thing of science fiction. In fact, the Nobel Peace Prize for Medicine went to Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe for their development of the process. It was just a few short years ago in 1978 that the first IVF baby, Louise Brown, was born. This amazing pioneer baby in the field has since had her own child through natural conception and birth, a truly remarkable historic event.

Around the world it is estimated that ten percent of all couples will turn to IVF to have a baby. The cost of these treatments ranges from £4,000 to £10,000, with many couples undergoing multiple treatments until the procedure is successful. In the United Kingdom alone it is estimated that more than four million babies are born each year conceived through this private fertility option. Couples also travel to other countries outside of the UK help reduce the costs of this expensive treatment. The Czech Republic is one such country that provides IVF treatments at a lower cost, which attracts an unknown number of UK couples per year.

These treatments are still relatively unknown as to their long term viability. There is some evidence and concerns that link birth defects and disabilities to IVF. In addition further study into a variety of factors including the quality of the egg, the age of the woman and even the drugs used in the treatment need to completed. Until all this information is obtained the long term effects of IVF are still somewhat unknown, but the desire or drive to procreate is strong within the human spirit. Couples are willing to try whatever it takes to have a baby and this is coupled with the fact that there are increasing numbers of couples struggling with conception.

Why is infertility rising in the human population? Is this also happening in other species around the world? Why is something as simple conception, a fundamental part of the cycle of life, now becoming such an issue worldwide?

To find the answers to these questions we need to look no further than our environment. Consider all the synthetic chemicals and toxins that are dumped into our soil, water and air every day. There are manufacturing plants, pesticides, herbicides, food additives, drugs, cleaners, fuel emissions, pollutants and even vaccinations that are literally poisoning our bodies. However, this phenomenon is not just found within the human race, which is evidence of how significant this contamination is around the world.

The largest predators, those that are considered to be at the top of the food chain, have the greatest risk for toxic build up in the body. This is because they consume other smaller animals that are also toxic. With each level of consumption the actual toxicity concentration increases, so those at the top of the food chain are at much higher risk.

The results of this toxic build up are evident. The effects of this type of contamination include an issue to produce male offspring by the animals at the top of the food chain, as well as lower fertility rates within the decreasing number of male offspring. This dangerous trend is actually occurring within the polar bear population. There are much higher rates of female offspring than males, and the males are much less fertile. This poses a huge problem for the species as a whole even without the additional stress of global warming impacting their natural environment. And, although humans endure different environmental challenges to the polar bear, the impact of decreasing fertility in the human species is definitely not that much different from the polar bear.

Synthetic chemicals that are absorbed into the body are a huge toxicity risk. They are particularly problematic since they actually trick the body and mimic hormonal functions. The hormones, which are essential in the reproductive cycle, have to be in perfect working order to all conception to occur. Hormonal imbalances that are brought about by toxins can have very wide ranging implications for impregnation.

It is estimated that there are over eighty thousand different chemicals in the average person's environment. As these toxic substances enter the body through the food we eat, the water we drink, the products we use and the air we breathe our bodies, including the reproductive system, goes into toxic overload. One effect of this toxic overload is very masculine females and a feminization of males. The toxins also enter directly into the reproductive system, poisoning the eggs and sperm, resulting in miscarriages and birth defects.

The sperm count in males in the human population has also decreased with exposure to higher levels of toxins in the environment. This is due, in part, to the fact that toxins are passed on through parents to children. This raises some alarming questions as to the fate of the human race long term. In a recent study of male farm workers exposed to high levels of pesticides, sperm counts were considerably lower than average upon testing. There were fertility problems with these men, but in the men that had offspring, their male children likewise had low sperm counts with low sperm mobility and low birth rates without coming into contact with the toxins.

Exposure to heavy metals can also cause problems with infertility. The good news is that heavy metals, particularly mercury, can be shed from the body with increased chances of conception. Getting started on a detoxification program to remove harmful chemicals and compounds from your body should be the first step in your plan for conception. Both partners should detoxify to provide the best possible chance of conception.

Keeping your environment as free from toxins as possible is another important consideration. Eating right, getting lots of rest to help your body heal and process contaminants as well as eliminating chemicals from your life is absolutely essential both during the time you are trying to conceive as well as during a pregnancy .

How To Remove Toxins From The Body

Stewart A. Lonky M.D., said "Because chemical and toxin exposures are impossible to avoid, and because the accumulation of these toxins definitely have health consequences, I believe that the use of a chelating and detoxifying agent such as activated liquid zeolite should be a part of every person's daily regimen. There is no better gift you can give yourself and your loved ones."

Written by Caroline Nettle

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Caroline Nettle is passionate about helping others to improve their health. Toxin Free Today is an online resource for information and products to help you to enjoy life after toxins. Sign up for the newsletter and receive the latest information about how to detoxify your life.
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