If you are suffering from pain in the pelvic region then it becomes very difficult for the doctor to diagnose what is the main cause of discomfort. In this condition, you may feel constipated or may have diarrhea. There may be mild or severe cramping which may be during intercourse or during a bowel movement.


What Is Endometriosis And Ibs?
Endometriosis is caused due to the vitiation of the Vata, Pitta and Kaphadosha in the body but especially the Vata as well as the KaphaDosha. These doshas cause the displacement of the endometrial tissues from the inner part to the outer. This overgrowth causes the vitiation of Kaphadosha and pain in the pelvic area aggravates the vatadosha.IBS is correlated with grahani and it is clearly mentioned in Ayurveda texts that Gastro-intestinal tract is the main site of Agni (enzymes). Agni plays an important role in the biotransformation and grahani holds the digestion and absorption process. Agni provides strength and nourishment to the grahani. Alleviation of Agni causes the accumulation of ama (toxins) in the body which causes diseases.


Endometriosis refers to as the condition where the tissue that normally found in the uterus starts growing in the other areas of the body. The affected areas are ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel and this may also result in the IBS symptoms. It is a long-term disorder which has physical, psychological, sexual and social impact on the body. This condition usually affects 10 percent of women.
Severe pain during the periods is the most common sign of endometriosis but other signs are painful intercourse or painful urination.

Some of its symptoms can be felt in the pelvic area but this condition usually affects large intestine which causes abdominal bloating and cramping, diarrhea or constipation. About one-third of the patients have constipation and two third of the patients have diarrhea. In some patients, symptoms appear infrequently but many times it could be present every time or may alternate with diarrhea and constipation. About 20 percent of the people have pain during defecation or have painful bowel movements and 40 percent of the people have intestinal cramping. In most of the cases of endometriosis, the pain from the IBS does not coincide with the periods. But its symptoms appear several times in a week and may continue over the months. The symptoms of IBS are diagnosed as per the abdominal pain that overlaps with the bowel movements.Doctors have mistaken both of these diseases for decades because there are stomach and digestive related issues that are undeniable. One of the earliest symptoms of endometriosis is bloating.
IBS has various names i.e., irritable colon, spastic colitis, spastic colon.

What Are The Causes Of Endometriosis And Ibs?
The main cause of both of these conditions is unknown. But some sources suggests that inflammation may lead to IBS or any bacterial or viral infection may lead to intestinal inflammation.
Another theory is that during the menstrual cycle if the blood flows back into the fallopian tubes and its tissues may attach to the bowel lining this may result in endometriosis. Surgery which involves the uterus may allow the endometrial cells to attach to the incision and may get transferred to the bowel.

What Are The Symptoms Of Endometriosis And Ibs?
When the tissue grows abnormally outside the uterus such as on the bowel, the tissue gets thickened and causes a variety of symptoms.It may grow either on the deep or superficial areas. Superficial endometriosis grows on the bowel surface and if it penetrates deep into the bowel wall then it is called as deep bowel endometriosis.
In some of the women, endometriosis may be present without symptoms. But in some, there may be some symptoms which include:

- Abdominal pain and cramping (dysmenorrhea)
- Pain during intercourse- Infertility
Digestive symptoms:

- Pain during defecation
- Difficulty in having a bowel movement- Severe abdominal pain which may be accompanied by
diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, etc.

How Can Endometriosis And Ibs Be Diagnosed?
Symptoms of bowel endometriosis can mimic the symptoms of other intestinal problems. It also rules out other related symptoms such as rectal tumors, colitis, and IBS.
Physical examination is done by the doctor which may also include additional tests:
- USG (ultrasonography/ultrasound)
- CT scan
- Sigmoidoscopy: to view the internal part of the bowels - Laparoscopy: to view the abdomen and bowel

Other diagnostic tests include:
- Lactose intolerance
- Gluten intolerance
- Stool test
- Upper-part endoscopy or colonoscopy

What Are The Risk Factors For Endometriosis And Ibs?

- This commonly occurs in the people under the age of
- It is most common among women than men and most of the
genetic and environmental factors are responsible for
- Stress, anxiety and other mental conditions are also
associated with it.

- Endometriosis is diagnosed in women between the age
group of 20 and 30.
- Weak immune system or other problems like scarring,
lesions, etc.
- Increased estrogen production or abnormal growths in
the uterus like polyp or fibroid.
- Abnormality in the structure of cervix, uterus or

Some Of The Home Remedies For These Conditions:

- Avoid foods that contain preservatives and artificial
- Include fiber to the diet
- Refrain from food items that contain gluten
- Avoid the consumption of alcohol and caffeinated
- Drink plenty of water

- Take a warm bath and use heating pad. This will reduce
the pain near the pelvic area.
- Do exercise regularly to overcome the symptoms.

Author's Bio: 

DR. Vikram Chauhan, MD -AYURVEDA is an expert Ayurvedic practitioner based in Chandigarh, India and doing his practice in Mohali,India. He is spreading the knowledge of Ayurveda Ancient healing treatment, not only in India but also abroad. He is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Products, Planet Ayurveda Clinic and Krishna Herbal Company. For more info visit our website: