“I was touched by your husband’s tenderness,” my friend said, “he has so much love in the way he helps you.”

Hmm…if she only knew all he does for me at home, too. In our busy day, we communicate via email. Since my web site navigation is limited, I often seek his assistance.

The other day I sent him an email: “Will you sign me up for AWSA?”

I didn’t tell him it stood for “Authors, Writers and Speakers Association.”

Later that day, he wrote back, “I signed you up. But I don’t know why you wanted to join the American White Shepherd’s Association.”

What a tease he is. And although I love his sense of humor, I can see how anyone can get mixed up with all that’s out on the web—so many organizations, a gazillion causes, business entities, people with a range of services that go from here to Montana. Some of them are useful. Others strange. And yet others tough to comprehend.

With a tad of shame in my Latina heart, I admit that was also my view of the Bible. Back then when I was a fancy-free chica, lost in my superficial world, wearing “shallow” as my name tag, reading God’s Word couldn’t be squeezed in my to-do list.

Until the day came when fear was eating me for lunch—fear of living in total darkness.

“You need to read God’s Word with your heart,” a friend had said.

But my heart was broken, my mind cluttered with confusion, and my days dark with uncertainty. And all the while my soul thirst for answers.

“Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands” (Psalm 119:73).

Father, thank you for bringing me the light of your truth. Since you formed me, knit me in my mother’s womb, and designed my every detail, you know what I need to understand your Word. You provide what I need to process your messages, to apply your instructions and obey your commandments. In Jesus name, I thank you. Amen.

What did God’s Word bring to you today?
Where do you find the answers for dark moments?
What Bible verses give you comfort?

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Hey friends, a bit of sass and passion framed in God’s Word is what you’ll find in all my writing. The above is an insight from my #1 bestselling inspirational book, Simply Salsa: Dancing Without Fear at God’s Fiesta, Judson Press, 2011. Get your copy today at: http://amzn.to/pwDntn .

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