Do you know all about men? It is no longer a difficult problem for men to find out their secret parts in modern society, but it is not easy to make a preliminary diagnosis by themselves. Many men will mistakenly believe that prostate inflammation. What are the reasons?

Once upon a time, there was a joke: the time men go to the toilet to urinate means men's ability. If a man is busy urinating every day, less than half an hour, you will see him run to the bathroom once, most likely urinate frequently to find him. If a male friend has such a situation in the short term, he can recover as soon as possible by making changes in his life.

Frequency of urination is usually not a disease but a physiological reaction. A healthy man needs to urinate about six to seven times a day. If he exceeds this frequency, he may urinate frequently. There are many reasons for frequent urination, such as changes in eating habits or pathological changes in private parts.

The urethra may be infected when having abnormal urination, such as frequent urination. Some men don't have the habit of shaking after going to the toilet. Their urine is not discharged entirely and stays at the exit. Over time, more and more urine is accumulated, which may cause frequent urination.

Now, there may be a small problem for men's health with the weather is cooler. The bladder's contractile capacity seems to be getting faster and faster, and you will want to go to the toilet. There are also some men in emotional tension, bladder spasm, perhaps will accelerate urine excretion.

One of the most common reasons is taking too much water every day. If a few friends get together at night to drink, it is normal to have frequent urination the next day. Through water metabolism's filtration, the kidney will stimulate the nerve and appear to want to urinate response.

Prostatitis becomes the fuse of frequent urination, which may be caused by the incomplete cure of a previous urinary tract infection. The prostate is close to the urethra. When urine inflammation spreads to the prostate, it can lead to prostatitis. If inflammation does not disappear, it will affect normal urination.

It is necessary to treat prostatitis as soon as possible to get rid of frequent urination. Antibiotics are the first choice for prostatitis, mainly for bacterial infection. Because most of the patients are non-bacterial, traditional Chinese medicine treatment is relatively effective and safe, such as Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill with the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, etc.

The prostate is like a tap valve, urine just out, not long after quickly turned off the switch. One after another accumulation, the number of urine excretion will increase. If three abnormal symptoms accompany the body, you may need to have an examination as soon as possible.

The first symptom is split urine. When urinating, the toilet can quickly receive the urine line range. If there is a prostate problem, inflammation and edema can damage normal urination, and when the urethra is compressed, it may have split urine.

The second symptom is painful urination. It's hard to finish urinating in a minute. Maybe there's something wrong with the reproductive system. If the pain can't bear to go to the toilet, you have to support the wall, which may be the bladder or urethra problems. Do an examination as soon as possible to let yourself rest assured.

The third symptom is a white secretion in urination. It is quite normal for women to urinate with secretions. If men find residual white secretions at the time, maybe prostatitis has already developed lesions, including the urethra, which can not work normally. It is better to be vigilant and check.

There are many reasons for frequent urination, not necessarily prostatitis. However, when men urinate abnormally, they can't relax their vigilance. Maybe the reproductive system is inflamed. It is recommended to check as soon as possible to make yourself comfortable when going to the toilet.

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